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Author Topic: REVISITING McCotter HISTORY: Opening A Blind Eye  (Read 35464 times)
Janet Easson Martin
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« Reply #20 on: April 27, 2018, 07:45:47 am »

For those of you who are newer to the GCM Warning Forum, there are hundreds of helpful and informative posts here as to the treatment of its members spanning over 40 years.  There are personal stories from it's early years, expansion years, and continung new millennium years of harmful intimidation, coercion, suppression, humiliation, and excommunication.  This treatment is supported in many cases by twisting scripture and falsely using its authority.  The abuses revealed here on this site mirror very closely those described in numerous publications of spiritual abuse.  Look through the Topics under the Forum Subjects to read them and decide for yourself the health of this church organization environment.  Nearly all the abusive practices seem to have been taught and carried on by disciples of its most prominent founder, Jim McCotter.  Here is what the scripture has to say about such a man.

False Apostle Still Influences GCx and Burdens Believers

"Though untrained in public speaking, I am certainly not untrained in knowledge"
2 Corinthians 11:6

"When I was present with you and in need, I did not burden anyone, for the brothers who came from Macedonia supplied my needs. I have kept myself, and will keep myself, from burdening you in any way"
2 Corinthians 11:9

Paul's humble attitude toward the believers he ministered to is very different from the attitude I witnessed and received first hand under Jim McCotter when I attended the GCx church in Maryland.  Paul, apparently, was not a charismatic speaker and thus probably did not use slick persuasive tone, expression, or words to deliver his messages; but relied upon the pure power of Grace & Truth itself.  He comes across as unassuming, meek, somewhat reticent at asking for financial support, and even inferior to the other apostles.  This is in glaring contrast to GCx founder, McCotter, who instead wanted us to know he was superior to us because had a relationship with God only few could share, and that he had higher revelation about God's plans to reach the world than any other current christian leader or church group.  In fact, it seems he said or implied since the first century!  Although he talked about GCx leadership's (implying his) humility, dedication, and meekness, he not only showed no hesitation over the all the time, money, family and careers he necessitated we surrender "to God", but he gave an utter condemnation on the unworthiness of the believer who would not.  It was only "right" and "obedient" that we suffer to accomplish the grand plans he dictated were God's will.  He actually acted as if he were the one to be feared. 

"I know that, after my departure, savage wolves will come in among you and won’t spare the flock.  Some of your own people  will distort the word in order to lure followers after them.  Stay alert! Remember that for three years I constantly and tearfully warned each one of you. I never stopped warning you!"
Acts 20:29-31

This GCx founders' callous, brutal, and cruel treatment of believers was evidence of his godlessness.  Those who intimidate, frighten, and castigate others are NOT DEVOTED TO or LOVING GOD, no matter what they say.  Only those who practice the second commandment are really following the first.. Paul did not teach or disciple this way and neither did Jesus.  Jesus never manipulates or condemns us to action.  Through voluntary faith he changes us, instead.  He truly is abounding in compassion and lovingkindness. 

"Remind them of these things, charging them before God not to fight about words; this is in no way profitable and leads to the ruin of the hearers.  Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who doesn’t need to be ashamed, correctly teaching the word of truth.  But avoid irreverent, empty speech, for this will produce an even greater measure of godlessness."
2 Timothy 2:14-16   HCSB

If you watch the Spiritual Gifts Video of Jim McCotter, http://gcxweb.org/Misc/ApostleshipVideo/Default.aspx (on this site), you can actually note these numerous empty arguments and prolonged discussion on "higher or better knowledge" of particular biblical words (which are not founded) and the distorted definitions he attempts to build upon.  It's so empty and void of Truth that he doesn't even list the other four out of five scriptures that supposedly back up his "argument".  In fact, he tells his audience of believers they are too proud and immature to receive them.  Even his personal group prayer is empty and irreverent and VERY manipulative.  I had no idea he didn't even stop and close his eyes, his eyes dart over the room as if he'll be caught, all the while he moves to his next agenda.     

"That kind of persuasion does not come from the one who calls you... You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free."
Galatians 5:8,13

Perhaps if we have not been in a church with doctrinally sound or "approved" teachers and leaders before, we might not understand what one should look like .  As long as they are preaching Jesus and the same bible, we may think it has God's stamp of approval.  However, there is a stark difference between an approved bible teacher and one who distorts the word to subtly lure and attract followers to themselves away from the main body of Christ.  This teacher God' says should be ashamed.  They use LOTS of empty arguments, empty logic, and empty reasoning for the purpose of PERSUASION.  Why would persuasion to virtually isolate believers from other sound christian teaching be necessary if the "love of Christ CONTROLS us"? 

"Your boasting is not good. Don’t you know that a little yeast leavens the whole batch of dough?"
1 Corinthians 5:6

By GCx not standing against or condemning this man's evil teaching and actions they have perpetuated them and fostered their growth as the above truth tells us.  That is obvious in the current and recent claims on this site.  They continue to confuse, deceive and hurt believers. 

For grace is given not because we have done good works, but in order that we may be able to do them.        - Saint Augustine
Janet Easson Martin
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« Reply #21 on: June 20, 2020, 07:38:19 pm »

Former Members’ Encounters with McCotter
and His Influence

This section will let you see behind the facade created by James (Jim) Douglas McCotter himself and those leaders in GCx churches who hid the facts about him.  By hearing directly from those who encountered him or were influenced by him or his “spiritual teachings” you can draw your own conclusions about whether He was the root of false teaching and harmful practices in GCx Churches. Many of his disciples have recently started new groups of churches themselves. They have been heavily influenced by his teachings and practices. Beware of these oppressive teachings and practices!  This section will reveal the real experience of former members:  some who observed McCotter for years first hand, some who were “taught” directly by him, and some who sat under his teaching second-hand by his disciples.  Let’s start with a couple of those today:

I hung out with his kids when I was little. Jim was an absolute tyrant. If I'm not mistaken he's estranged from many of them now. ... Was around McCotter some after he left GCx.  Broken trail of lives as he lied, schemed, scammed, cheated, stole his way from DC to Florida to New Zealand to Colorado.  ...  

I have two theories:
(a) McCotter has so brainwashed GCx leadership that they are still buying his story, any story.
(b) GCx leadership bought his story for a LONG time, but have finally given up. They're scratching their heads today, but they're in too deep, and it's been too long, and it would be too emotionally introspective and exhausting for them to go back through and see where it all went wrong (or if it was ever right).
I think it's (b).  When he left, and for a long time after, they thought he was still committed for life, just under a special calling.  Admitting he left because he wanted riches and power would just be too hard for the core GCx leadership now. It would basically be admitting the house (their "movement" they still call it) was built on sand from the beginning, and they've wasted some forty years of their lives. In their defense, that would be tough to do.

IMO McCotter is some sort of mix of sociopath, psychopath, borderline personality disorder, megalomania, etc. Don't know much about psychology, but know from observation he can function at a high level without seeming remorseful for lying, stealing, cruelty, etc.  He has gifts, and could have actually been a very successful businessman, but IMO his personality disorder(s) kept him from this. If you're gifted, and work hard, you usually succeed. But everything Jim touches gets destroyed. Every one of his business ventures collapsed in spectacular fashion because of Jim's dishonesty, manipulation, and toxic methods.

He taught that ALL the other churches, since the first century believers, had failed.  We needed to follow the Book of Acts, and " MAKE THE CHURCH WORK." The GREAT Commission Churches [alias for GCx churches] would reach the world,  because we would do what no other churches were doing.  We were taught that para-church groups like Campus Crusade were not God's will, missionary callings were not God's will.  It was only through " THE CHURCH"   I heard him teach this.  I heard other [GCx] pastors teach this. I believed it, and embraced it and made big life decisions based on these teachings.  Commit for life.  It was taught and it is in the DNA of GCM.  In 1986 there was a national conference in Washington DC. " DC 86"  McCotter was one of the main teachers.  I heard and believed that my commitment to this movement was God's will for my life. ...Do not ask questions, just trust the leaders and follow.  Follow , follow, follow.  This is teaching I heard, and believed; and IT IS FALSE, BIBLICAL teaching. Again, How does a man teach that God's will for your life is the Great Commission and the only Biblical way to fulfill the Great Commission is through the GCM church, and then he leaves. ...It is all crazy, confusing, and deceptive.  This behavior is not of the Spirit. ... Evergreen and other GCM churches have an ugly history that goes back to a man (McCotter) who was prideful, unapproachable and did not have the maturity or the character of a Elder.  He is a... deluded man.  
-Heidi    [left ~ 2016]

« Last Edit: June 21, 2020, 10:54:12 am by Janet Easson Martin » Logged

For grace is given not because we have done good works, but in order that we may be able to do them.        - Saint Augustine
Janet Easson Martin
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« Reply #22 on: June 21, 2020, 07:44:39 pm »

Former Members’ Encounters with McCotter
 and His Influence Continued

Many of the unbiblical ideas of the early movement originated with McCotter, and while most of these ideas were technically apologized for in 1991, most of us are here because they continue to persist to this day. The fact that McCotter is still so highly praised casts serious doubt on the sincerity of that error statement. They apologize for excommunicating people for unbiblical reasons and being overly directive in people’s lives and so forth, yet national elders quite frequently praise the man who was responsible for many of those very types of abuses. He also taught these behaviors to others, and given the discipling methods the movement uses, it’s no wonder the ideas linger on. For a good example of what I would call ‘McCotter Poison’, Jim’s favorite method of excommunicating people was to call them “divisive,” sometimes for something as minor as simply calling someone who left the church and asking them why they left.
-anonymous #275

It does cause me immense grief and concern that he has apparently begun heading up a new "church movement" since he has never gone on record as admitting his doctrinal sins nor repenting of the incredible harm he did to so many hundreds (thousands?) of Christians.  
All I can do is offer my opinion--
To all who are becoming involved in a Jim McCotter church:  In my opinion his doctrine has always been very bad and he has an apparent track record of extreme authoritarianism that leaves lives shattered behind him.  I would advise you to leave while your conscience and your discernment will still allow it; you will not miss out on a movement of God so much as you may avoid becoming ensnared in an elitist movement that extols itself.

Jim McCotter has an entire set of web commercials on YouTube promoting his old doctrinally flawed books!  Even worse, one of the commercials promotes the Apostles and Prophets Leadership Manual which has been so convincingly shown to be heretical, misusing as it does so very many passages of Scripture.

« Last Edit: June 22, 2020, 12:52:08 pm by Janet Easson Martin » Logged

For grace is given not because we have done good works, but in order that we may be able to do them.        - Saint Augustine
Janet Easson Martin
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« Reply #23 on: June 22, 2020, 01:11:17 pm »

Former Members’ Encounters with McCotter
and His Influence

I had the opportunity to hear from the person who baptized me and he was part of the movement from long ago and followed Jim McCotter to D.C. His assessment as one who sat directly under his feet is that Jim is evil. Mind you, he is still a Christian and supports missions heavily. His basic assessment of Jim is that he loves money and that he is a wolf.  If Jim is the root of the movement, is it any wonder that the tree bears abusive fruit?

I do remember the last conference I attended. Jim McCotter was speaking, and he said, "I don't know why Jesus hasn't come back yet. I've taught you all I know." I was shocked. The very idea that Jesus coming back hinged on this man's teaching. [It seemed] as if no one else thought what he said was strange!  But, for me, it was the deal breaker. I had to get out.

Ironically, there WAS a bitter root in GCx. However, it was not with those who would no longer submit to its idolatrous teachings; but from McCotter, himself! His self-righteous passion seemed to arise out of anger and jealousy. He even accused the old masters who painted images of the Apostles of being inspired by the devil, because they were depicted with gray hair and in old age. From a limited peek into his former rejection as a leader in his old church, one of the reasons for his rejection seemed to be his youth. (By the way McCotter was not elected, nor appointed as a christian leader, he was SELF-PROCLAIMED).

« Last Edit: June 22, 2020, 07:28:02 pm by Janet Easson Martin » Logged

For grace is given not because we have done good works, but in order that we may be able to do them.        - Saint Augustine
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« Reply #24 on: June 22, 2020, 07:27:48 pm »

Quote from: Janet Easson Martin link=topic=1730.msg22187#msg22187
From a limited peek into his former rejection as a leader in his old church, one of the reasons for his rejection seemed to be his youth.

Interesting. When I was at Solid Rock in the late 70's, there was a huge emphasis on 1 Timothy 4:12, "Let no one look down on your youthfulness," and Psalm 119:100, "I have more wisdom tha the aged, because I keep Thy commands." At the time, I had no idea that one person's private grievance was being passed off as sound doctrine.
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« Reply #25 on: June 23, 2020, 11:21:40 am »

I wasn't certain just where to post this comment, so I chose this one as well as the "hello" page.

Do you people not realize that the WWW stands for "world-wide web? Do you not realize that:

1- continuing to complain about a "founder" (i.e. Jim) who has not been active in the...movement...for over 30 years, and

2- bloviating over one of thousands of instances of disgruntled, maybe-honest-maybe-not-so-honest former members have with questionable leaders
only gives the religion haters ridicule material to enjoy over beer and pizza...if they read it at all. "It's not for them!" you will no doubt add. If that is true, then why post this shtus on the WWW? Provide your questionable counsel via personal email, and stop fowling-up the web with your pseudo-religious rants. IF JC's glory is so freakin' important, why air your gossip-laden laundry on-line? Sheeeesh!
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« Reply #26 on: June 23, 2020, 06:22:30 pm »

Del, I have never understood why some people think it's worse to expose abuse and warn other potential victims than it is to be the abuser. Perhaps you could explain it to me?
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« Reply #27 on: June 24, 2020, 06:28:10 am »

Huldah, your question distills down to "which is worse, to expose abuse and warn other potential victims or to be the abuser?"

In a case wherein: 1) the abuser is warned of being in danger of violating clearly-defined legal or ethical codes or principles, 2) is proven to be factually guilty of violating those legal or ethical codes or principles, 3) has been confronted regarding his/her violation, and 4) refuses to "repent", the community at risk should be informed and cautioned. In such a scenario, the abuser is clearly culpable, and, therefore, 4) the consequences for the abuser, depending on the offense, should be unequivocal and, in some cases, quite extreme. End of story.

This story, however, goes on...and on...and on...ad nauseum. According to the suggested time line it's been, what, 45+ years?!

Therefore, one must consider the possibility that, in absence of any of the steps outlined above, the constant litany of wrong-doing, i.e. the "exposé", may do greater harm to the community than the abuse, itself. (...just sayin')
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« Reply #28 on: June 24, 2020, 11:10:28 am »

Therefore, one must consider the possibility that, in absence of any of the steps outlined above, the constant litany of wrong-doing, i.e. the "exposé", may do greater harm to the community than the abuse, itself. (...just sayin')

Honest question and I hope you'll give this some serious consideration:

Are you sure you're not confusing "harm to the community" with "harm to the reputation of a leader who refuses to forsake his sin"?
Janet Easson Martin
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« Reply #29 on: June 24, 2020, 07:01:50 pm »

Del, I have never understood why some people think it's worse to expose abuse and warn other potential victims than it is to be the abuser. Perhaps you could explain it to me?

That’s a mystery to me also, Huldah.

To your reply #28 above:  Does seem to be some confusion over what’s right and wrong.  Exposing the truth about serious public unrepentant sin in the church brings healing to the public sinned against.  It is in keeping with the bible’s command to bring it before the church people he/they sinned against.  

If the GCx church had actually allowed an honest church-wide rebuking of such men and practices; a heartfelt remorseful apology; resulting in the ceasing of such practices, there would be no need for this site or these testimonies.  

But, their practice has been to deceive, deny, and destroy while they silence, shun, and slander those who desire a truthful discussion. McCotter isn’t the only one who viciously attacks those who oppose false teaching and oppressive practices in the GCx church.

« Last Edit: June 25, 2020, 07:01:45 pm by Janet Easson Martin » Logged

For grace is given not because we have done good works, but in order that we may be able to do them.        - Saint Augustine
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« Reply #30 on: June 25, 2020, 11:16:40 am »

If a community is suffering because it stands behind an abusive leader, then doesn't it stand to reason that individual members are either,

1. complicit in the abuse (those who know about the abuse but choose to blame the victim),

2. or else, indirect victims themselves (if they've been misled about the true situation)?

In either case, how does the blame not fall squarely back onto the leader?

Vince Capobianco
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« Reply #31 on: December 19, 2020, 03:26:58 pm »

These are all terrible terrible lies.  It's such a shame that you are reviling and slandering a wonderful brother in the Lord.  If you want to talk to Jim direct, why don't you come online and watch his show.  He's on every weekday at 4pm on facebook @jimmccotterlive

Stop the terrible accusations.  If you have a question or want to talk to Jim, why not just contact him directly on facebook!
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« Reply #32 on: December 19, 2020, 04:33:50 pm »

These are all terrible terrible lies.  It's such a shame that you are reviling and slandering a wonderful brother in the Lord.  If you want to talk to Jim direct, why don't you come online and watch his show.  He's on every weekday at 4pm on facebook @jimmccotterlive

Stop the terrible accusations.  If you have a question or want to talk to Jim, why not just contact him directly on facebook!

Exactly, besides that, he's not been part of GCC (which doesn't exist anymore) for about 35 years. It's like complaining about the Iran-Contra affair during the time of President Reagan....
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« Reply #33 on: December 20, 2020, 08:27:49 pm »

If you have a question or want to talk to Jim, why not just contact him directly on facebook!

For that matter, if Jim wants to take issue with anything here, he can always join this forum and speak for himself.

These are all terrible terrible lies.

Could you be specific? What specific actions has Jim been accused of here that you personally know to be false?

« Last Edit: December 20, 2020, 08:35:28 pm by Huldah » Logged
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« Reply #34 on: December 21, 2020, 06:00:45 pm »

If you have a question or want to talk to Jim, why not just contact him directly on facebook!

For that matter, if Jim wants to take issue with anything here, he can always join this forum and speak for himself.

These are all terrible terrible lies.

Could you be specific? What specific actions has Jim been accused of here that you personally know to be false?

Jim coming on this forum.... That will be the day. That might actually get some activity going on this forum.... If I were Jim, I wouldn't do it. What would it accomplish. Again, I think his direct influence on GCx terminated about 35 years ago. Since then it was just indirect influence. And what would you expect GCx churches to do? People are happy in those churches and if anyone wants to leave, they just go... Trust me, there is right now, no pressure whatsoever to stay with a GCx church. About 28.1% of the US population is under 35 years old. That means they were not even born... And 44.1% of the US was 8 years or under. So, pretty much half of the USA wasn't even affected by them. Now, if you take a person of a campus church, they have no idea who Jim McCotter is. Think about this. If you know someone, who is 60 years or more, that person was born within 15 years of World War II. Do you think that it has a direct influence on them?

Now, I will grant that everyone has an indirect influence on everyone. Remember the butterfly effect. And of course if someone joins a GCx church, they will be indirectly influenced by Jim McCotter, but the same is true that we were all influenced by World War II, which was influenced by World War I.

All that is to say is that it would be kind of weird for GCx churches at this point to start talking about Jim McCotter. Many if not most of their pastors have not even met Jim McCotter.
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« Reply #35 on: December 26, 2020, 11:18:15 am »


To clarify, the purpose of this forum is to point out the aberrant teaching of GCC churches and take about the damage done to many who found themselves involved in this group.

We are not interested in dialoging with him. Without McCotter, the group wouldn't have existed. Many of the leaders sat under his feet and treated him as if he was a prophet. Obviously, he is not. None of the old guard have ever denounced and corrected his teaching. Many dear believers have been harmed over the years.

Pointing out false teaching and harmful practices is not slander. This is a gaslighting technique used by McCotter/GCC since it's inception.

I pray that the groups that have sprung out of the old GCC will now be free of the harmful aspects of the past. That is my sincere prayer. What I am observing is that some are trying to cling to the past, some are linking up with more mainstream denominations, and some are going theologically liberal. Time will tell. That said, I am not really paying much attention these days.


Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift.
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« Reply #36 on: December 26, 2020, 12:03:02 pm »

Kees, I'm not the one who asked for a dialog. Vince did. I was pointing out that if McCotter himself had any desire for a dialog, or any desire to challenge these "terrible terrible lies," well, this forum has been around for over a decade, and he could have come here at any time. He has never chosen to do so.

The GCx of today (what's left of it) is not identical to the Blitz of McCotter's days. In the same way, Mormonism today is not identical to what was taught by Joseph Smith or Brigham Young. However, just as one can't understand the history of Mormonism without some knowledge of Smith and Young, one can't understand GCx without some knowledge of McCotter.

Like Linda, I'm not that interested in what the movement is doing these days. This forum appears to be transitioning from an active discussion site to archive status, but it's still the only GC-related site on the web that allows both sides to freely present their views.
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« Reply #37 on: December 26, 2020, 02:42:54 pm »

I'd like to say one more thing to Vince Capobianco, and then I'm probaby done with this conversation. It concerns the abuses Jim allegedly committed while running a newspaper in New Zealand.  A letter by one of the victims of these abuses used to be posted on a cult-related website but I can't find it there any more. Fortunately, someone copied and pasted it here, forum.gcmwarning.com/jim-mccotter-gc-history/open-letter-from-ken-nicholson-to-jim-mccotter/.

The author of the letter, Ken Nicholson, is a journalist from New Zealand. He was never part of the GCx movement, so he can't be written off as just one more disgruntled church member with a 40-year-old grudge.

Vince, please read the linked letter. Then ask Jim McCotter to read it with you and refute the details, if he can. If the things in the letter are true, then they're terribly sad, yet McCotter has never to my knowledge answered for any of them.
« Last Edit: December 26, 2020, 02:46:22 pm by Huldah » Logged
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« Reply #38 on: December 26, 2020, 07:19:20 pm »

These are all terrible terrible lies.  It's such a shame that you are reviling and slandering a wonderful brother in the Lord.  If you want to talk to Jim direct, why don't you come online and watch his show.  He's on every weekday at 4pm on facebook @jimmccotterlive

Stop the terrible accusations.  If you have a question or want to talk to Jim, why not just contact him directly on facebook!

By the way, I have never told a lie on this forum. Ever. If you are accusing me of lying, you are slandering me (technically since it is written it is libel). Pointing out bad theology is not slander.

Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift.
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« Reply #39 on: December 26, 2020, 10:04:09 pm »

I would never say that McCotter didn't have an influence over GCx.... Of course he did. He started it. And his influence continues to today. Anyone, who is a leader influences people, that's in good and in bad.... Just a very general statement.... And anyone, who influences people will influence people for many generations.  Two examples:

Abraham Lincoln is still influencing the world today.


Adolf Hitler is too....

I assume you would agree with me that Abraham Lincoln was a good influence, whereas Adolf Hitler a horrific influence.

So, yes, Jim McCotter still has some influence of GCx churches.

As to what happened in New Zealand.... I don't know. But with all of those things, they can only be judged by hearing both sides of the argument. Without that, it's very hard for anyone to give a good judgement on the situation. But either way, what happened there is not directly under any sort of leadership from GCx...
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