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Author Topic: Pastor Mark Darling-Pastor who abused me  (Read 447209 times)
Household Name (300+ Posts)
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« Reply #160 on: February 19, 2018, 05:28:40 pm »

Remember on January 5th when Scout Tweeted this, followed by #metoo to emphasize what kind of abuse she was referring to?:

"Pastor who abused me is still in pulpit though he was outed to other pastors that are still there.  Tweet is for me ❤️and other women ❤️ abused by Mark Darling and Evergreen Community Church."

Three days later, on January 8th, ECC tweeted this in reply:

"20 years ago, this was investigated by EC leadership..."

By their own admission, with their reply, ECC acknowledged that Scout had discussed sexual abuse at the meeting with Scout's counselor.

Some are saying that sexual abuse was not alleged at that meeting. ECCs response seems to indicate otherwise.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2018, 05:45:51 pm by Linda » Logged

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« Reply #161 on: February 20, 2018, 08:24:22 am »

Yes, I am here to find the truth. I want the truth in all of this like I have said from the beginning. I've only stated the truth as well.

I don't believe the truth has been revealed. No, I do not believe Scout.

The same goes for high profile celebrities. Just because someone makes claims on social media does not make them fact. Scout has made claims that these things have happened to her. There is no fact yet. These remain claims until an investigation can happen and someone else can decide this.

Other people have claimed issues with GCC. Not sexual abuse though. Scout claims, only claims, to have other women who have come forward. These are, again, claims. Made by someone who's first claims have yet to even be proven and remain claims.

GRACE has been proven in many of their cases to be biased. Their leadership on their team have proven to be biased. I can see the draw to want to go with someone like GRACE with the openness of the reports and the Christian background and the prestige they have earned. But the facts remain, they have proven to be a biased organization.

In all of this as well, Scout does not need to sit and wait for GCC to agree or anything. She is fully within her rights to hire her own lawyer and do something about this. But, time and time again, she chooses to keep using social media.

She was given an option by GCC for a lawyer, who:
1. Has no affiliation with GCC - she stated this in her emails.
2. Wants to keep everything confidential as to help protect victims - this is absolutely a typical thing to happen to protect the privacy and emotions of victims.
3. She was hired by GCC yet states in her emails that she is hired to be an independent investigator. - stated in her emails.

Everyone in social media is very quick to jump on the bandwagon that because she is hired by the GCC that she will have to sway towards what works best for them. People are obviously unclear about how this works. If that were to happen, that would be illegal. These people are hired to do this job, completely without biased.

Now about the spiritual abuse. I haven't yet a single person who has suffered actual spiritual abuse. I know someone, very personally, who has suffered real, physical torture, spiritual abuse. No one yet who has made claims against the GCC, or even in this forum for that matter, has suffered from actual spiritual abuse. Not that I have seen.

As people, and even as Christians, we have our own opinions. I don't do everything my pastor tells me to. I listen to what he has to say, I apply it to my own life and the Bible and what I feel God is calling me to, then I go from there. I don't do everything someone tells me to. I am an adult. I can make my own decisions. If I disagree, I speak with them and figure out where the disagreement is. But I do not let someone else dictate how my life is decided.

As far as the EMDR stuff goes. I think it is actual scientific proof that needs to be considered that EMDR messes with memories. She says she didn't have it 17 years ago but had it far later. I believe no matter when she had it that it could have clouded her judgment and altered her memories. The science is there. I am not an expert, but experts say the science is there. If you can argue it great, but go argue it with the experts, they can answer your questions and concerns about it.

I want the truth because the last thing I want to see happen is another person gets wrongly judged because of the claims of someone who could be remembering things wrong.

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« Reply #162 on: February 20, 2018, 09:48:30 am »

ECC has informed us in their first Twitter response that this abuse, the #metoo sexual abuse, was discussed at the meeting with Scout's therapist in 2001. They admit that. In a Tweet. It's out there for all to see. We have screen shots.

Scout has said, "I had not done EMDR therapy 17ish years ago when I sought out therapy for Mark Darling's abuse of me."

That rules out false memories coming in to play in the meeting with Mark, Kathy, Mark, John, Scout, and the counselor.

Two things ECC has not denied.

1. They have not yet denied offering $60,000 hush money that was attached to Scout signing a statement agreeing to not speak about her abuse.

2. Interesting that they noted in their statement:  "In addition, this person has implied that Evergreen Church was aware of the offensive behavior and did not act appropriately," but they have not yet denied this accusation. They really can't because of their reply on Twitter that says Scout was fully heard on this matter. Keep in mind, "this matter" was #metoo sexual abuse. That is the allegation. So, they admitted they knew by their ill advised tweet.

Also, I believe I read that GRACE was not used by Sovereign Grace because GRACE had already publicly commented on the situation because Sovereign Grace is a much bigger deal than Evergreen or GCC. As far as I know, GRACE is not familiar with Evergreen, so the claim of bias would not apply here. I believe it was Scout who mentioned that groups that are trying to cover something don't like to use GRACE because their findings are made public.

« Last Edit: February 20, 2018, 09:53:22 am by Linda » Logged

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« Reply #163 on: February 20, 2018, 09:56:01 am »

I don't believe the truth has been revealed. No, I do not believe Scout.

Thank you for finally coming right out and admitting it.

Yes, I am here to find the truth. I want the truth in all of this like I have said from the beginning. I've only stated the truth as well.

No, I don't think you have. You came to this forum acting like a neutral third party who only wanted to find the facts. You pretended you wanted to help Scout, a woman you now admit you don't believe. You even suggested to her that she might find "peace" in discovering that her memories had (allegedly) been tampered with to the point where she had no idea what had really happened to her. Were you being deliberately cruel?

She was given an option by GCC for a lawyer, who:
1. Has no affiliation with GCC - she stated this in her emails.
2. Wants to keep everything confidential as to help protect victims - this is absolutely a typical thing to happen to protect the privacy and emotions of victims.
3. She was hired by GCC yet states in her emails that she is hired to be an independent investigator. - stated in her emails.

This makes no sense. Since Scout has already identified herself in a very public way, she doesn't need to be protected by any confidentiality agreements. Confidentiality would only serve to shut Scout up so as to cover up the extent of the abuse.  Besides, if you believe that a lawyer chosen and paid by GCC would be neutral, then perhaps you're giving GCC more trust than they've earned.

Now about the spiritual abuse. I haven't yet a single person who has suffered actual spiritual abuse. I know someone, very personally, who has suffered real, physical torture, spiritual abuse. No one yet who has made claims against the GCC, or even in this forum for that matter, has suffered from actual spiritual abuse. Not that I have seen.

Then your definition of spiritual abuse must be very narrow. I was spiritually abused at GC and so were others whom I knew personally. I saw this for myself. I lived it. Again, I ask you, did you come here to be deliberately cruel?

As far as the EMDR stuff goes. I think it is actual scientific proof that needs to be considered that EMDR messes with memories.

You're missing the point. Scout's allegations were made, both to the elders and to her therapist, years before she had EMDR. EMDR might alter memories in some cases (but not all cases; not necessarily even most) but even if Scout were one of those, she already had the abuse on record well before her EMDR sessions.

If you can argue it great, but go argue it with the experts, they can answer your questions and concerns about it.

No, I am not going to argue it with the experts, because you are the one making the claims in this forum, and you're not even being completely honest in your assertions. I didn't listen to the TED talk, but the Psychology Today link you provided didn't even mention EMDR. You, Rick, who only care about the truth, how truthful was it to imply that this article supported your claims when clearly it had nothing to do with EMDR?

Look, I don't know Scout either. Maybe I'm wrong to believe her, and maybe this is all an elaborate hoax. But I find her far more credible than you've shown yourself to be. Nor have I seen her make the little cruel jabs you've begun inserting into your posts. Telling Scout that her memory is messed up, telling us we never suffered spiritual abuse even though some of us still carry the scars of that abuse decades later, then flippantly telling us to go argue with experts if we don't agree with you. I don't know Scout, but I recognize in you, RicktRoll, the techniques and the heart of a wolf. You came here not to support Scout, as you claimed, but to destroy her (and to throw a few zingers the rest of us along the way). I don't believe or trust you, Rick, and it's not because I was already predisposed to believe Scout; it's because you yourself have given me all the evidence I need to mistrust you.
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« Reply #164 on: February 20, 2018, 10:28:35 am »

You're welcome!

Not being deliberately cruel, simply stating facts that I have found. Sorry, you are taking it that way though, that's unfortunate.

If you do not understand how I laid how the facts of how the lawyer that GCC hired works then I think you have greater issues with understanding how the justice system works in America. GCC actually has done everything Scout has asked in her social media posts to find a completely unbiased 3rd party investigator. I would think if she didn't like who GCC decided on to use the least she could do is get her own representation. But it appears she is choosing not to.

You people keep bringing up GRACE like they are the gold standard in these investigations. How can they be the gold standard when they have been proven in other cases to bring their own bias into situations. This causes everything about them to be tainted.

If you aren't even going to read anything that I posted in those links or listen to the TED talk that is fine. We can drop that because clearly, it's not important to you. The article makes references to memory loss and brings up the Scientist from the TED talk, but you would have needed to read/listen to everything to understand that.

You believe Scout, great. That's fine. I'm not trying to make you believe anything else. I don't believe Scout. And this forum is a completely open platform to discuss opinions and I am doing so.

I believe everything I have written is the truth. If you don't believe that you can believe what you want. LOL
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« Reply #165 on: February 20, 2018, 11:35:07 am »

If you do not understand how I laid how the facts of how the lawyer that GCC hired works then I think you have greater issues with understanding how the justice system works in America.

We are currently in the midst of quite possibly the greatest scandal in US history involving law enforcement (FBI) and the Justice Department, centered on one lawyer who got promoted to high national office and then allegedly used her influence to undermine national security. This lawyer was, incidentally, married to another lawyer who got disbarred for lying under oath. Yet you imply that a lawyer should be trusted to act ethically and honestly by mere virtue of being a lawyer. Do you not understand that the more you post here, the more disingenuous you sound?

If you aren't even going to read anything that I posted in those links or listen to the TED talk that is fine. We can drop that because clearly, it's not important to you.

Once again, you've misstated the case. You posted one written article, and I did in fact read it. I prefer the written word to videos. Provide me with a transcript of the TED talk and I'll read it.

You believe Scout, great. That's fine. I'm not trying to make you believe anything else.
You clearly are trying to influence us to doubt Scout. You've impugned the honesty of the third party investigator she chose (while insisting on the integrity of an unnamed lawyer handpicked by the alleged perpetrators). You've jumped on the "poor crazy woman with the altered memories" line, even though you've offered NO evidence (and in fact no such evidence exists) that EMDR always or even usually leads to false memories. You seem doggedly unwilling to acknowledge the far more important fact: Recovered memories are completely irrelevant in Suzanne's case since her accusations were on record well before receiving EMDR therapy.

You don't believe Scout. Fine. But you've offered no reason to believe Evergreen's version of the story. Your chief argument seems to be: There's evidence that EMDR might have caused memory confusion in some subjects; Scout had EMDR; therefore Scout is imagining things. It's a stretch, at best.

Scout, watch out. They're going to use your therapy against you. They're going to start painting you as the crazy woman with the false memories. But this is how abusers operate. They create the injury, then they use the treatment as evidence against you. That's what abusers do.
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« Reply #166 on: February 20, 2018, 11:46:31 am »

If you would even for one second spend time on the resources I sent you before you would understand EMDR a little more. There is evidence. I've given it to you, you just keep avoiding.

Also, a huge reason why you don't see a larger Evergreen or GCC presence in all of this on Facebook from their followers is that they think all of this is ludicrous.

This is all clearly a small sample of people who hate GCC, allowing themselves to comment on something they know nothing about, to all pile on a church you clearly hate. All of you have used this site for YEARS and Scout has been an active member. Why now all of a sudden is this coming up? Further pushes the EMDR question.

The person who tells one side of a story seems right until someone else comes and asks questions. - Proverbs 18:17

Trying to ask questions guys, Suzanne's story has too many holes for me to jump on any bandwagon. Again, she has only made claims.

I see a lot of people referencing Evergreens response on Facebook. I can see your hangup in how they responded when they said: "This was investigated 17 years ago." but they aren't obligated to give any detail as to what they believe. They are affirming yes they met 17 years ago. They aren't agreeing with what was talked about or saying Suzanne was right. You guys are doing that and jumping to your own conclusions.

The whole point of a third party investigator is to be hired and investigate what did happen.

Something I keep coming back to and STILL have no clue why people aren't responding to me, is why didn't John do anything?

Back in the day when this all happened, was he in those meetings? Why hasn't he done anything in this? Or agreed with Suzanne?

If he was a pastor too and knew about their rule of not meeting with women alone, why would he then let his wife go and break this rule?

WHY ARENT THEY EVEN FRIENDS ON FACEBOOK?!?!!? Can someone tell me that?!?!

In all of these things, why wouldn't you insist that Mark be fired?

You agreed (AGAIN, YOU AGREED) he would get treatment. Then what you are over it then? Or the fact that he didn't get treatment now causes you 17 years later to throw a huff about it again?

Your timeline and details do not make sense at all! This is why I can't believe why she's bringing it up now because she has had EMDR therapy since then and who knows what that has done to her memory.

Also, your inadequacies of understanding basic biblical concepts, and how all of you have chosen to go about this (from a Christian point of view), CLEARLY shows your true intentions in all of this and easily discredits all of you from any qualification to defending Scout at all!
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« Reply #167 on: February 20, 2018, 12:13:40 pm »

If you would even for one second spend time on the resources I sent you before you would understand EMDR a little more. There is evidence. I've given it to you, you just keep avoiding.
I've already told you in TWO different posts that I read the only written reference you offered. You are now clearly, deliberately LYING about me. Not that you weren't already, but now there's no doubt.

And you're still evading the real issue. It doesn't matter if Scout hallucinated purple dragons during her EMDR. The facts were already on record.

(EDITED here to remove remarks about John Hopler. I've been informed that Rick was referring to a different John.)

Also, your inadequacies of understanding basic biblical concepts, and how all of you have chosen to go about this (from a Christian point of view), CLEARLY shows your true intentions in all of this and easily discredits all of you from any qualification to defending Scout at all!
Ephesians 5:11, "Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them."

We expose the elders and deacons who wouldn't listen to us when we tried to follow church procedure. We expose the wolves who are here to shred and swallow the vulnerable sheep. I, Huldah, expose you, Rick, or Mark, or Mrs. Mark, or whoever you are. You came here pretending to be a truth-seeker who wanted to help Scout. Anyone reading this conversation can see how swiftly you've shed your sheep costume and revealed your rage toward Suzanne and the rest of us. I asked you earlier, which master do you love, Mark Darling or Jesus Christ? I believe you've answered that indirectly. I don't claim I'll pray for you, because you've made your choice, but I'll pray that God will protect those around you and under your leadership, because you are clearly a dangerous and destructive person.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2018, 04:18:59 pm by Huldah » Logged
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« Reply #168 on: February 20, 2018, 12:28:34 pm »

A quick note to everyone else here:

I know that some of you might be offended and upset by the suggestion that we never experienced spiritual abuse at GC, or by other unkind remarks in this thread. I believe that that was the intended effect of such  remarks, and that the person who posted wants to figuratively stab as many hearts here as possible before leaving. It's our punishment for rejecting everything he had to say.

One thing I've learned in life (and not just in a church context) is that abusers love the opportunity to pop back into the victim's life to re-victimize them. I believe that that is what just happened here.

God is our Father. He loves us. He knows what GC has done and is still doing. Let's use this as an incentive to draw closer to him. Let's trust that sooner or later, He'll let us witness His justice. That's my suggestion.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2018, 12:37:00 pm by Huldah » Logged
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« Reply #169 on: February 20, 2018, 01:36:32 pm »

Hey, RicktRoll,

Stop trying to find fault with John or Suzanne. I think there are some on this forum who might be surprised to learn that there is a "not meeting alone with men rule". Maybe they would care to share their experiences here. Anyone reading this ever meet alone with Mark and care to share?

Also, over on the Facebook page, people have been putting words into my mouth. Saying things like, "Why did you label my question to you as spam" when I did no such thing. It seems to be part of the strategy to throw out accusations in the hope that someone would look bad and when the accusation was proven false to move on. You just made an accusation about John.

Let me set you straight.


I am able to see it (and am not going to send you a screen shot because obviously Suzanne has her settings such that you can only see friends of hers who are friends of yours so it would violate her privacy to take a screen shot). I am friends with both and can see that they are friends. What were you suggesting?

If he was a pastor too and knew about their rule of not meeting with women alone, why would he then let his wife go and break this rule?

WHY ARENT THEY EVEN FRIENDS ON FACEBOOK?!?!!? Can someone tell me that?!?!

Also, it's really none of your business, but John has actually posted words of support in a couple places. Perhaps you cannot see those posts for a reason.


Also, one last thing, in the early 2000's a few ECC pastors were into theophostic prayer ministry and encouraging others to do it. Kind of the pot calling the kettle black, isn't it, to bring up therapy that could result in false memories.

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« Reply #170 on: February 20, 2018, 02:06:46 pm »

I haven't made a peep for a while, but I have been following Scout's story and sickened.  It was predictable.  This is the same group I was a part of for years  and years.  We were loyal soldiers, until we had some doubts and questions. 

It was totally common knowledge that Mark Darling had this group of pretty young single girls that he hung out with.  It wasn't even hidden.  I remember thinking that I sure would not want that in my marriage.  No way!  Seemed inappropriate, but you don't question someone who has put themselves on a pedestal and you can't take your concerns to others who are also pedestalized (I just heard that word today from Chuck Swindoll, he probably made it up).

There is no accountability and that is so dangerous.  Did Brent Knox and Mark Bowen consult someone higher up to find out how to squash this unfortunate "problem."  Because they sure did not handle it in a godly way then, and now they are caught in a tangled web.  And I can't see that they took this whole sexual abuse seriously or they would not have appointed Mark to lead a church with young singles near the University.  It was obviously not the best thing for Mark's life, not protecting other young women, and now they are caught having brushed it aside and tried to give hush money. 

Most churches wisely have policies in place to prevent sexual abuse.  Pastors do not meet alone with another woman, not even or especially to counsel. This whole thing stinks to high heaven for Evergreen Church.

One thing in Scout's story sounded so familiar.  When she was confronted by a pastor's wife about, "How could you do this after all Mark Darling has done for you?" (Very creepy.) But my husband and I in the Jim McCotter days were given a big fat treatise written by JM about tithing.  We read it and had some issues with the tone of it.  We told our pastor we did not think people should be strong armed into tithing and that it did not seem like our church had enough structure and accountability for the finances.  (My husband counted the money and kept the books.) Well, our pastor Jim Coleman brought another high up (someone from Ames I think) and confronted us about our rebellion and how we had better watch out.  So, we slunk our heads back under the shell, just like Scout did.  Intimidation.  You don't question. You don't think. You don't have speakers outside the movement. You don't read books by other theologians or anything like that.  Hate to overuse the word but the whole thing is so creepy. 

We were nudged out of any inner circle, we were not cool, and I am so thankful.  God is good.  Follow Jesus, not people who pedestalyze themselves and claim to speak for God.  Some of their tactics remind me a little of Scientology and LDS (Mormons). The longer you are gone, the more you see it.
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« Reply #171 on: February 20, 2018, 02:54:52 pm »

I agree, Linda, Huldah and GodisFaithful.  So refreshing to get back to some sound intelligence here.

RickTRoll has given us pretty close examples of how Evergreen/GCC handles or deals with genuine abuse complaints about their leadership.  Perhaps he has closer ties than he says.  The cover up of "keep secret and silent about the actual complaint and the abuser in question, but lash out quite twistedly and falsely about the abused".  When the abuse becomes public, minimize it ('they weren't physically tortured') and slanderously defame the person making the complaint, so no one would even listen to them.  Then, tell others that to ask them about it is likened to rebellion against God (as GodisFaithful pointed out).  Yes, like the Scientologist leaders, they swoop down like a buzzard to tear apart their prey at any cost in order to defend their reputation.  

But the blessing of this GCMWarning Forum, Twitter, and Facebook allow that squashed voice to be heard.  This time, the documentation of the corrupt actions of attempting to HUSH Scout with $60,000 to not speak of her abuse are beyond whitewashing.  
« Last Edit: February 20, 2018, 06:28:37 pm by Janet Easson Martin » Logged

For grace is given not because we have done good works, but in order that we may be able to do them.        - Saint Augustine
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« Reply #172 on: February 20, 2018, 04:15:33 pm »

I agree, it's pretty clear by now that we have either an ECC insider trying to sow seeds of doubt, or a classic forum troll who gets sick pleasure out of provoking people.

With the latter, passionate well-reasoned responses only give them a bigger stage to prance around on. With the former, you're not going to change their mind by arguing.

So I won't argue; I will only say that I believe Scout 100%, not because I am gullible, but because I was there.
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« Reply #173 on: February 20, 2018, 05:27:41 pm »

Linda, you have over 1600 posts on this forum, for a church that you left almost 2 decades ago!

1686 to be exact. Well, now it's 1687. And we left 12 1/2 years ago.

Do you have any idea how many hours of listening to bad teaching that represents?!

Now, back to Scout...

Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift.
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« Reply #174 on: February 20, 2018, 06:54:07 pm »

I remember going to a Christian counselor after leaving one of the GCx churches and struggling with discerning the truth from the lies.  At that time I had just talked to someone and was being frank about my processing.  I told them Jim McCotter often seemed so condemning toward us.  To my surprise and disappointment she replied, "You're just bitter."  Well, I didn't talk much longer to her after that.  I told my counselor about the conversation and my hurt.  She looked at me and said, "Did you expect her to say anything different?  She's still in the organization."  My former friend I had talked with could not allow herself to see it any other way.

Yes, let's get back to Scout and the very serious abuse and corruption she experienced with the leader in question and his churches.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2018, 05:42:45 pm by Janet Easson Martin » Logged

For grace is given not because we have done good works, but in order that we may be able to do them.        - Saint Augustine
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« Reply #175 on: February 20, 2018, 07:15:02 pm »

Godtrumpsall, what if I told you there was a way to get to the bottom of this and prove, once and for all, what really happened (as far as anything could be proven)? What if I said that you and the people who feel as you do could play an important part in bringing that about, if you were willing to step outside your comfort zones for a little while? Would you be interested in bringing the truth to light if it were in your power?
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« Reply #176 on: February 20, 2018, 09:22:02 pm »

Scout has offered to split the cost of an investigation by an independent third party team with a track record of integrity. The results of the investigation would be made public afterward for all to see (which is a key feature of the plan; no secret agreements, no non-disclosure contracts). If Scout is lying, as you seem convinced, then this would be an amazing opportunity for Evergreen to finally set the record straight once and for all.

You can do your part to make it happen. Leaders can't lead without willing followers to pay the tithes and do the grunt-work. If enough of you and your fellow church members insist on this investigation, you can make it happen. If Scout really is the slanderer you believe her to be, it would be revealed for the whole world to see. Mark Darling would be vindicated.

I realize it would be uncomfortable, even painful, to demand this of a pastor you love. That's why I talked about stepping outside your comfort zone. But as much as we love our pastors, it's still our job to put the truth first. God calls us in Christ to be people of the truth. No pastor can avoid being accountable to the flock unless the flock shirks its duty to God.

You seem convinced in your own heart that Mark Darling is innocent, and although I myself believe otherwise, I hope we can both agree that the truth matters more than loyalty to any earthly person or opinion. So what do you think? Will you be a voice calling for the investigation? Will you work to persuade others as well?
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« Reply #177 on: February 20, 2018, 10:17:40 pm »

Mentions of false memory and the bias of GRACE show that people really shouldn't take snippets of something from a greater base of knowledge when they don't understand it.

EMDR is one of the gold standards in the field of trauma therapy and is widely accepted as an effective treatment.  Trying to cast shade on EMDR is like trying to say that ibuprofen won't help a headache.  Sorry, too much medical research has gone in to establishing the credibility of EMDR.  Go get your counseling degree and then "educate" us, please.  

Also, criticizing GRACE because Sovereign Grace Ministries accused them of being unfair is laughable.  SGM is widely known among American Christianity (outside of fundamentalist circles anyway) as being an abusive and corrupt group that covered up sexual abuse.  They have been involved in multiple legal battles, some ending only because the statue of limitations has run out.  I find it interesting that you would rather align with SGM than with Rachael Denhollander, but I guess that shows the heart of GCC since you have your own version of Larry Nassar you are wanting to defend.  Boz Tchividjian, founder of GRACE, is often consulted and asked for an opinion *because* GRACE is considered the experts.  He (an attorney, another degree you probably don't have) appropriately evaluated the information available and criticized the mishandling of abuse situations.  He used his platform to speak against the cover up of abuse.

Funny that you would criticize an anti-abuse group based on the complaints of SGM.  SGM also has their own ex-member group so...birds of a feather?

Anyone can do a quick google search and pull the first things found that prove a point.  None of us have time for that.
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« Reply #178 on: February 20, 2018, 10:26:50 pm »

Godtrumpsall, I'm not following any of this on Twitter or FB (other than a couple of tweets when it first got started) so I have no idea who may have hired a lawyer. I don't much like the idea of a battle of the lawyers, for multiple reasons. However, there might be one saving grace. As I understand it, both sides would be compelled to present all their evidence in court, where it would become part of the public record. That is, it would become public record providing at least one side is fully determined never to sign a non-disclosure agreement. It can be tough to hold out when the legal bills are steadily mounting.

"With much prayer, I fully believe God will bring about the truth.  At this point we will have to just wait to see what happens and trust God in the process.   And I put my trust in God, not leaders."

I, too, agree that God will reveal the truth in the end. I'm glad we can both trust Him to do that.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2018, 10:28:37 pm by Huldah » Logged
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« Reply #179 on: February 21, 2018, 05:25:57 am »

I didn’t want this troubling comment from GodisFaithful to get lost in the shuffle.

It was totally common knowledge that Mark Darling had this group of pretty young single girls that he hung out with.  It wasn't even hidden.  I remember thinking that I sure would not want that in my marriage.  No way!  Seemed inappropriate, but you don't question someone who has put themselves on a pedestal and you can't take your concerns to others who are also pedestalized (I just heard that word today from Chuck Swindoll, he probably made it up).

Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift.
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