Yeah, this one made me think of Bill Clinton's impeachment trial where he discusses the definition of the word "is."
And of course Mark adds nice descriptors in this point, that the investigator looked "taken aback" (because she was so surprised by his integrity or specificity, or what is his implication?), and that he spoke "respectfully." Regular ol' Boy Scout, that Mark Darling

Point #4 made by Mark Darling is such a bs response.
4. When being interviewed by the investigator in this investigation, with my attorney present to be an eyewitness to my interrogation, I was asked by the investigator, “Mark, have you ever met alone with women?” I respectfully said, “Before I answer, may I ask you a question”? She said yes. I asked, “What do you mean by alone?” She seemed taken aback I would ask such a question.
Taken straight from Evergreens website- Meeting with female congregants. Since Evergreen’s inception, it's pastors have held to a verbal code of conduct of not meeting alone with female congregants. “Alone” means an intentionally private setting; without a 3rd party present, or without other known persons nearby and easily accessible. Credible female witnesses came forward in the investigation and testified Mark Darling met with them alone, prior to 2001. Beyond the investigation, there have been additional women and current attenders who have claimed to have met with Mark in an intentionally private setting.
So there you go Mark, that's what "alone" means. Seriously....