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Author Topic: GCC votes to dissolve  (Read 225890 times)
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« on: July 13, 2020, 06:51:45 pm »


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« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2020, 09:28:50 pm »

"Some churches may band together to form a new organization in the future and others may affiliate with other church associations."

Hmmmm. Not sure what to think. We know that some new associations have already formed. M28 Alliance and Lift Network. Makes me wonder if this is an elaborate way to change the name from GCC to something else so it's not searchable. Time will tell. In the meantime, many broken lives are left in the path of destruction of this group.

Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift.
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« Reply #2 on: July 14, 2020, 12:42:04 pm »

Linda, I thought a long time about whether or not to post this. Then I thought, what the..., just do it!

Remember the "boat allegory"? Well...GCx, et al, actually consists of many small boats. The fleet isn't neeearly as big as the Carnival Cruise Lines that is Catholicism, or the Iranian Navy that is main stream Protestantism.

The names on the smaller boats keep changing, and their web sites and literature are perpetually being upgraded to stay chic. They are all heading down the same Babtism River; everybody is just a-sailing along, trying to have a good time, while looking for peace and hoping for purpose.

I dare say, that if this forum were available to more than just the broken and destroyed lives of former GCx'ers, the heart-breaking stories would max-out your allotment of terabytes on a regular basis. The abuses and malfeasance sadly chronicled on this forum are ubiquitous to the race, and endemic to all "religious organizations".

Peace, healing, meaning and purpose are available to all. However, a major paradigm shift would, no doubt, be necessary.
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« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2020, 07:10:14 pm »

They can't control the leadership anymore.  I think too many "pastors" know too much and their loyalty to the "Core leaders" is gone.  It smells like the bloodhounds have been loosed and the top guys are getting out fast.  As someone said, the Mark Darling thing went on for 32 years.  Other things have been going on for 50.  We were saved in the Blitz in 1970.  That's 50 years worth of history.  Much of it bad and terribly damaging to so many young lives.  There may be thousands of victims that come out of this latest event.  We know that there are thousands of victims.  But the victims haven't put it all together yet so they are still wandering in spiritual limbo.  What a terrible time to wake up.  But God is faithful.  I wonder what Bill Taylor thinks of his separate "peace" with these monsters now? 

God is faithful!!!  He will not abandon you. 
Janet Easson Martin
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« Reply #4 on: July 22, 2020, 08:34:32 pm »

Go to a small group leader first and ask the simple question.  "Have any churches in Great Commission Churches network broken away over the recent events related to Mark Darling?"  If they do not know or answer no... now ask... "What about the Mountain Region.... did some or many of them morph into M28 Alliance or Lift Network of churches?  In this forum here find a thread :  M28 Alliance dated October 8, 2019 and read the details.  If not happy with the answer then go to deacons (do they even have those any longer) and then ask Pastors.  Expect a run around of crap from the Pastors... most of them I would say.  Show them on the national website  http://gccweb.org/about/find-a-church/    that it has nothing for Colorado for example where a number of them jumped over to M28 Alliance   https://www.m28alliance.com/churches/    Look at both websites and see just for this state alone you have a schism.  I don't know for sure if all of them are PRO Mark Darling but would not be surprised if they are.  BTW  Darling was guilty of key parts of the investigation.  He blew that all on his own.  I don't seek to be divisive only truthful and the big gaping whole with Evergreen has been to conceal any bad news and not be completely upfront.  
One last question to ask Brent Knox....  How much money was spent on changing the name to Hometown Church?

Your reference to the ongoing rebranding of GCx churches/groups with the reference to M28 reminded me of something I stumbled upon a few months ago. If you go to the old "Mountains West Region Great Commission" web page, ( mwrgc.org ), lo and behold, you find yourself on the M28 Alliance web page. Same men. Different name. Same old web page. Here's the link.



Hmmm...  “Same men. Different name.”   Is this GCx repeating it’s history again? 
« Last Edit: July 27, 2020, 08:06:48 am by Janet Easson Martin » Logged

For grace is given not because we have done good works, but in order that we may be able to do them.        - Saint Augustine
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« Reply #5 on: August 05, 2020, 10:02:27 am »

In case anyone is interested, someone just brought it to my attention that Walnut Creek in Des Moines is now officially Southern Baptist. Here is the link.


Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift.
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« Reply #6 on: August 05, 2020, 01:45:29 pm »

“Woe to the rebellious children,” declares the Lord, “Who execute a plan, but not Mine, And make an alliance, but not of My Spirit,” Isaiah 30:1


“The GCC organization was formed over 30 years ago to serve a relational network of independent churches that began on college campuses in 1970. The vision of these churches has been to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ to the whole world and to build New Testament churches (Matt. 28:19-20). For 50 years, God has worked through these churches to lead thousands to Christ and to equip hundreds of people to share the gospel. There are an estimated 260 churches in relational networks throughout the world that can be traced back to what began in 1970. We give Jesus Christ all the glory for this. This is the Lord’s doing and it is marvelous in our eyes (Ps. 118: 23).

“Also, the needs of each generation differ. Therefore, it is important that the leaders and the ministries that are formed to meet those needs be different. This decision provides future leaders a new organizational start so that they can more effectively reach the next generation.”*

The Head of the Snake

This has been going on for 5,780 years. Imagine the damaged souls that presently populate this world and the next simply because man has taken it upon himself, throughout the ages, to improve the system ordained by the Infinite. This is not hyperbole, it has been the sad reality of an errant species ever since Hashem created all that is, or that ever will be. He has always had something very different in mind. His Word and His Will have not changed, nor will they ever. That is His promise to all of us.

The statements by GCC, Walnut Creek, Believers’ Chapels, Lakewood Church, Willow Creek Community, Life Church, North Point Community, Saddleback, Gateway…et al ad nauseam, all read the same. Having been a member in good standing in more than one of the above organizations, I know well, as do all who visit this forum, that they all leave a trail of hurt and disillusioned people as they “pursue the upward call”. They do exactly as they were taught through the generations *“to become all things to all men, so that [they] may by all means save some”…no matter what. It is all about the numbers. It has always been about the numbers…so what if a few "fall through the cracks"?

Such can hardly be HaShem’s doing.

As has been recently pointed-out, The Heavenly Father has a vested interest in every soul. After all, He created them all. There are no cracks in His floor. No one simply “falls through.” The GCC statement concludes with a verse from Psalm 118. Does anyone in that organization or in any of the others listed herein, their progenitors or progenies, really know what the next Psalm, 119, says throughout? Do they care? It doesn’t appear so.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2020, 01:57:11 pm by Del » Logged
Janet Easson Martin
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« Reply #7 on: August 05, 2020, 02:21:37 pm »

Thank you, Linda.  I copied that excerpt below for anyone to read:

”Walnut Creek Church was founded in 1985 and is a partner of the Baptist Convention of Iowa, a state-level network affiliate of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC). The SBC is a global network of independent cooperating churches and exists to equip the local church to preach the gospel, make disciples, and plant churches across the United States and all over the world for God’s glory.

Walnut Creek was formerly a member of Great Commission Churches, which is dissolving in 2020”.

-from About Section on WCC Website

That seems a good step in a healthier direction. The next would be to publically repudiate the abusive teachings & practices of Jim McCotter, remorsefully apologizing for adopting those to their current and former members which they care for.  

They have an opportunity to be an example and lead the way in rebuking McCotter from the pulpit.  In addition to making all their teachings available to the SBC, they should prove their repentance by keeping a record of complaints transparent to leaders of the Baptist Convention of Iowa, including listing how they were handled.  These dealings should reveal if they are still silencing those challenging spiritual abuse in their church.  Now, there hopefully will be a higher board to whom their members can appeal who will not act as if they are deaf and dumb.

Old habits die hard, so if you are a young believer it would seem best to be involved with a church who has a healthy history, not one who is grappling with MANY and INTENSE needed changes as Walnut Creek Church will be.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2020, 06:46:03 pm by Janet Easson Martin » Logged

For grace is given not because we have done good works, but in order that we may be able to do them.        - Saint Augustine
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« Reply #8 on: August 20, 2020, 02:41:14 pm »

In case anyone is interested, someone just brought it to my attention that Walnut Creek in Des Moines is now officially Southern Baptist.

Several years ago, the Southern Baptists decided to informally adopt the name "Great Commission Baptists," due to some political associations with the word "southern." (They retain the name "Southern Baptist" for formal and legal usage.)

So in an interesting turn of events, Walnut Creek has gone from being a Great Commission church to being... a Great Commission church.

I found this amusing.
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« Reply #9 on: August 25, 2020, 08:55:02 pm »

If it truly was dissolving would that at some point suggest the
1. dismantling of this very forum and website?
2. modifying the focus of the forum, website?
3. continuing as is?
 It seems the traffic on the forum is rather sparce and just certain regular individuals.

its a worthy question I'd say.
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« Reply #10 on: August 26, 2020, 03:47:46 am »

If it truly was dissolving would that at some point suggest the
1. dismantling of this very forum and website?
2. modifying the focus of the forum, website?
3. continuing as is?
 It seems the traffic on the forum is rather sparce and just certain regular individuals.

its a worthy question I'd say.

Because GCx and it’s affiliates morph through name changes, they never really disappear.

Hundreds of people, perhaps thousands, have been damaged by the teachings of this group. Families have been divided and friendships have been ruined.

Apologies have never been made.

This is a place where those people can come to realize they are not alone.

I don’t pay attention to the stats, but I am aware of hundreds who read posts and never comment who have found help here.

Just because the group technically no longer will exist doesn’t mean everything they did doesn’t matter.

How many Christians did they excommunicate? Does anyone have any idea? Dozens? Hundreds? This is not just youthful mistakes on the part of elders who were not qualified, this is evil behavior that damaged many people’s lives and faith.


Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift.
Janet Easson Martin
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« Reply #11 on: August 26, 2020, 07:20:47 am »

Totally, agree, Linda.

Actually, we may be surprised to learn that more is being read on here in the last 7 months consistently than in the history of this site! That is with the exception of the many months surrounding Suzanne and other women’s testimonies of improper and lewd behavior and speech by a prominent GCX Pastor and Board Director.  There have been more than 200,000 page views every month since March; many days approaching 10,000 page views per day.  If only 50 people a day were reading here that would mean they accessed 200 pages each.  Since that is highly unlikely, I would guess the number viewing this site is closer to 500 people a day, viewing 20 pages each.  It is important to note, the total number online is not the total number of IP addresses who have visited thus far each day, it is the highest number of people online simultaneously that day.  There have been many months over the course of this Forum where the views have been over 100,000 pages per month.

So, it is actually an active site with record numbers online during the present season.  People are getting a chance to see what has been and what is going on behind closed doors among these leaders in this toxic group.  

Like Linda said this group morphs through name changes, they never really disappear.

« Last Edit: September 14, 2020, 10:37:20 am by Janet Easson Martin » Logged

For grace is given not because we have done good works, but in order that we may be able to do them.        - Saint Augustine
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« Reply #12 on: August 27, 2020, 08:45:23 am »

Wow, this is pretty big.  I'm just finding this out, as I don't check this forum that often.  

I'd say this is a victory for the efforts all have made against GCx for all of these years.  In a few months, that institution will cease to exist and be no more.  I know that the leaders of the Church are aware of this forum.  We know about the many testimonies of people who have been hurt and abused at that place.  And then, there's the Mark Darling incident, which may have been the last straw.  

No one knows how much the former leaders members of that Church will change and move forward as they become involved in other Churches and ministries.  I imagine some will move forward as they will be around healthier people and better Church structure.  But some may get worse if they get involved in places that are even more shame-based, legalistic, and controlling.  

But at the end of the day, I think the absolute best and right thing was to put an end to GCx.  Even if they were all repentant and were committed to making that Church a better place, I'd say the first step would be to dissolve the institution.

1970-ca. 2020
Good riddance.  

« Last Edit: August 27, 2020, 09:25:28 am by Ned_Flanders » Logged
Janet Easson Martin
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« Reply #13 on: September 14, 2020, 10:29:38 am »

Yes, Ned, it’s ungodly power has hopefully been significantly lessened in it’s recent dissolvement into 3 or more groups.  It does seem the availability of insiders having opportunity to finally speak out here on this Forum site has been a healing; and helping eye opener for many.

I also hope many find healthier places to move forward.

« Last Edit: September 18, 2020, 07:26:33 pm by Janet Easson Martin » Logged

For grace is given not because we have done good works, but in order that we may be able to do them.        - Saint Augustine
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« Reply #14 on: November 18, 2020, 02:14:00 pm »

Thank you, Linda.  I copied that excerpt below for anyone to read:

”Walnut Creek Church was founded in 1985 and is a partner of the Baptist Convention of Iowa, a state-level network affiliate of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC). The SBC is a global network of independent cooperating churches and exists to equip the local church to preach the gospel, make disciples, and plant churches across the United States and all over the world for God’s glory.

Walnut Creek was formerly a member of Great Commission Churches, which is dissolving in 2020”.

-from About Section on WCC Website

That seems a good step in a healthier direction. The next would be to publically repudiate the abusive teachings & practices of Jim McCotter, remorsefully apologizing for adopting those to their current and former members which they care for.  

They have an opportunity to be an example and lead the way in rebuking McCotter from the pulpit.  In addition to making all their teachings available to the SBC, they should prove their repentance by keeping a record of complaints transparent to leaders of the Baptist Convention of Iowa, including listing how they were handled.  These dealings should reveal if they are still silencing those challenging spiritual abuse in their church.  Now, there hopefully will be a higher board to whom their members can appeal who will not act as if they are deaf and dumb.

Old habits die hard, so if you are a young believer it would seem best to be involved with a church who has a healthy history, not one who is grappling with MANY and INTENSE needed changes as Walnut Creek Church will be.

Rebuking McCotter from the pulpit??? This is over 33 years ago..... Can you let it go?  McCotter wasn't part of GCC for over 30 years. And now GCC doesn't even exist.... I was in Europe 30 years after World War II and they didn't even hold such a grudge towards the Germans.... Trust me, they were far more abusive than anything GCC even could think off.... It's time to grow up and get over it.

BTW, GCM, the vast majority of their "staff" isn't even related to anything that was GCC....
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« Reply #15 on: December 01, 2020, 07:18:47 am »

I know that Grace (at North Carolina state headed by Berk Wilson and Ed Russ) have joined Reliant, which looks to me like a GCX rebrand. Same language but makes them harder to google when nervous parents have questions. I’m just not sure there folks are going away.
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« Reply #16 on: December 02, 2020, 12:00:27 pm »

I agree that the name changes make the research harder.

Perhaps what we need to teach young Christians is not to recognize names but to recognize theologies and tactics. Names, people, and organizations come and go. Good doctrine is always good doctrine, and bad doctrine is always a red flag. Abusive tactics are remarkably similar whether the abuse is spiritual or emotional, domestic or organizational.

I realize that this is approach is much harder than simply saying, "Avoid X Church." "Avoid Pastor Y."

If I had had a better doctrinal foundation, I might never have become involved with GC. Even more to the point, if I hadn't been quick to ignore several red flags, I might have realized that GC was all wrong for me. I made allowances because "no church is perfect," and because I fell for the lovebombing (which didn't last very long) and the elaborate facade of godliness.

There's an excellent book on self defense called The Gift of Fear. The author says that when someone or something causes the hair on the back of your neck to stand up, you should get out of there immediately. When something seems off about a new church, at the very least, the potential recruit should step back, do some research, and not be hasty to give that church the benefit of the doubt. It's not that we will ever find a perfect church, but at the very least, we shouldn't allow ourselves to settle for one that sets off alarm bells.
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« Reply #17 on: December 03, 2020, 09:34:08 am »

I know that Grace (at North Carolina state headed by Berk Wilson and Ed Russ) have joined Reliant, which looks to me like a GCX rebrand. Same language but makes them harder to google when nervous parents have questions. I’m just not sure there folks are going away.

If I understand it correctly, the church is not part of Reliant, but their staff raise support through Reliant, which is now an organization through which one can raise support, regardless if they are GCx related.... As a matter of fact, most of their staffers, who raised support are not connected with GCx.  So, Berk and Ed might have raised support through Reliant. GCM morphed into Reliant a few years ago...
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« Reply #18 on: January 05, 2021, 06:58:46 am »

Thank you, Linda.  I copied that excerpt below for anyone to read:

”Walnut Creek Church was founded in 1985 and is a partner of the Baptist Convention of Iowa, a state-level network affiliate of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC). The SBC is a global network of independent cooperating churches and exists to equip the local church to preach the gospel, make disciples, and plant churches across the United States and all over the world for God’s glory.

Walnut Creek was formerly a member of Great Commission Churches, which is dissolving in 2020”.

-from About Section on WCC Website

That seems a good step in a healthier direction. The next would be to publically repudiate the abusive teachings & practices of Jim McCotter, remorsefully apologizing for adopting those to their current and former members which they care for.  

They have an opportunity to be an example and lead the way in rebuking McCotter from the pulpit.  In addition to making all their teachings available to the SBC, they should prove their repentance by keeping a record of complaints transparent to leaders of the Baptist Convention of Iowa, including listing how they were handled.  These dealings should reveal if they are still silencing those challenging spiritual abuse in their church.  Now, there hopefully will be a higher board to whom their members can appeal who will not act as if they are deaf and dumb.

Old habits die hard, so if you are a young believer it would seem best to be involved with a church who has a healthy history, not one who is grappling with MANY and INTENSE needed changes as Walnut Creek Church will be.

Rebuking McCotter from the pulpit??? This is over 33 years ago..... Can you let it go?  McCotter wasn't part of GCC for over 30 years. And now GCC doesn't even exist.... I was in Europe 30 years after World War II and they didn't even hold such a grudge towards the Germans.... Trust me, they were far more abusive than anything GCC even could think off.... It's time to grow up and get over it.

BTW, GCM, the vast majority of their "staff" isn't even related to anything that was GCC....

I was involved in GCx Churches from 1986 to 1994.  My first event with that Church was the DC '86 Conference.  Jim McCotter was there as one of the speakers.  After that, I never saw or heard from him again. 
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« Reply #19 on: January 05, 2021, 08:17:42 pm »

Thank you, Linda.  I copied that excerpt below for anyone to read:

”Walnut Creek Church was founded in 1985 and is a partner of the Baptist Convention of Iowa, a state-level network affiliate of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC). The SBC is a global network of independent cooperating churches and exists to equip the local church to preach the gospel, make disciples, and plant churches across the United States and all over the world for God’s glory.

Walnut Creek was formerly a member of Great Commission Churches, which is dissolving in 2020”.

-from About Section on WCC Website

That seems a good step in a healthier direction. The next would be to publically repudiate the abusive teachings & practices of Jim McCotter, remorsefully apologizing for adopting those to their current and former members which they care for.  

They have an opportunity to be an example and lead the way in rebuking McCotter from the pulpit.  In addition to making all their teachings available to the SBC, they should prove their repentance by keeping a record of complaints transparent to leaders of the Baptist Convention of Iowa, including listing how they were handled.  These dealings should reveal if they are still silencing those challenging spiritual abuse in their church.  Now, there hopefully will be a higher board to whom their members can appeal who will not act as if they are deaf and dumb.

Old habits die hard, so if you are a young believer it would seem best to be involved with a church who has a healthy history, not one who is grappling with MANY and INTENSE needed changes as Walnut Creek Church will be.

Rebuking McCotter from the pulpit??? This is over 33 years ago..... Can you let it go?  McCotter wasn't part of GCC for over 30 years. And now GCC doesn't even exist.... I was in Europe 30 years after World War II and they didn't even hold such a grudge towards the Germans.... Trust me, they were far more abusive than anything GCC even could think off.... It's time to grow up and get over it.

BTW, GCM, the vast majority of their "staff" isn't even related to anything that was GCC....

I was involved in GCx Churches from 1986 to 1994.  My first event with that Church was the DC '86 Conference.  Jim McCotter was there as one of the speakers.  After that, I never saw or heard from him again. 

I was at that conference too.... We might have seen each other....

Since GCC doesn't even exist anymore, it would be difficult to apologize. I think in their actions they haven't endorsed him.

But I want to throw out something. Jim McCotter was very fruitful and he helped a lot of people with a lot of difficult things. Just alone him sharing the Gospel with so many and them trusting Christ as Saviour. That's by itself the best thing that someone can do for another person. Helping someone be from bound to hell to heaven!!! That's huge.

So, in light of that.... I can see out of appreciation, that many leaders won't want to publicly denounce Jim. Just like children shouldn't denounce their parents, unless it becomes extremely clear. There is a level of no matter what always appreciate the ones, who have meant a lot to you and have helped you. That doesn't mean that they would agree with everything. Heck, I love my dad a lot and I'm so thankful to him. But I'm also very very aware of his weaknesses. But I'm not going to publicly humiliate him. (Of course, he's passed away now).... But in many ways, it's become irrelevant...

I personally have learned a lot from Jim McCotter. But I've learned a lot from other folks too, that never had absolutely anything to do with GCx.... My attitude is to learn from others. Study God's Word yourself, so you can discern what is true or not. That's what the Bereans did. (Acts 17:10,11). I have been hurt by things GCx did.... But I've been hurt by every other organization or group that I've spent enough time with. The trick is to dust yourself off and keep going. Have God's Word as your Guidance. God is the Chief Shepherd. And any other elder or pastor is at most an undershepherd. (In the Hebrew culture, those undershepherds were pretty much 10-12 year old girls). No elder should be prideful of their position. (though some elders are prideful)
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