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Author Topic: McCotter Poison  (Read 112236 times)
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« Reply #40 on: April 26, 2007, 05:31:50 pm »

I was a member of the team on the 73 bus blitz which I believe wound up in Las Cruces,NM. Any body who was on that bus feel free to contact me.THANKS. :?

ZandyC Proverbs 3 guy
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« Reply #41 on: March 10, 2008, 08:34:39 pm »

This church has many if not all of the same problems that have been highlighted in this blog. Guy/girl relationships, over zealous in outreach, do and do mentality, assigning of disciplers instead of who naturally disciples you, if there is any involvement with believers outside of your GCM church there is going to be trouble and rebukes, sending a pastor to Amsterdam who should never have been recognized as a pastor due to areas of sin in his life(not made known to the congregation until after he fell hard into sin and out of leadership, but he had been recognized as a pastor because he was brought through the ranks and as of my current knowledge was the only pastor with any form of Bible College training in GCM), etc.

Did the churchplant in Amsterdam fall apart?  In addition what kind of discernment did this church have with sending this pastor to Amsterdam in the first place due to the whole cultural climate?

I think I heard about this before I left or after I left.  More of a reason I am glad I am not part of that organization anymore.  Yet is sad to hear that this church has dwindled a lot.  I know one of the former elders who was a good guy went to Bible School at my church and is serving with one of the GCAC churches.
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« Reply #42 on: April 11, 2008, 05:45:37 pm »

Genevieve Jones wrote: “Was Jim McCotter pushed out, or did he actually leave on his own?”

Only a man knows his own motives.  Why did McCotter leave GCI?  Only he and the Lord really know.  We can expand on the historical events that comprised the climate that existed when he left.  That, perhaps, raises more questions than it answers, yet, they may be valuable questions to ask if one wants to get closer to the truth.

In 1984 McCotter copyrighted his book Leadership: Elders and Apostles.  In it, he outlined the absolute necessity of organizing all his churches under an authoritative and financial hierarchy of apostles, with the warning that a failure to do so would result in a failure to achieve the Great Commission in our lifetimes.  Ostensibly this was the inception of an exciting new organizational methodology that would have driven the associated assemblies.  McCotter declared that “your best men” (page 102) would become the apostles, and it is left to one’s imagination to determine who in the GCI leadership he considered to be qualified to occupy this new class of headship.  Shortly after, the apostleship theme became the centerpiece for a GCI conference, with McCotter himself giving the presentation.  Contemporaneously, Invasion ’85 was inaugurated, a massive re-invention of the original Blitz.  GCI was staged to begin an entirely new era.

Simultaneously, behind the curtain, other unhappy events were also transpiring.  Unfavorable media publicity was being focused on GCI and on McCotter, especially with regard to certain political initiatives.  The connection between some alleged unusual Slick 50 and Shackley business venture practices and certain GCI leadership team members were the subject of the assemblies’ rumor mill (whether substantiated or not, the assertions were being made).  McCotter’s new doctrine on apostleship met with heavy resistance among the rank and file.  Finally, many senior members of established assemblies were becoming vocal about the heavy-handed use of excommunication, and some churches were beginning to go public with talk of disassociating with GCI because of these backroom abuses of power.  

Now, whether Jim McCotter left the movement in 1986 because “he was bored,” as Sam Lopez has stated, or, whether he left from the pressure of the rumors of errant business dealings, charges of abuse regarding excommunications, threat of being labeled a false apostle given his new doctrinal stance, or the fall-out from Invasion ’85 being considered a logistics fiasco, no one but he can know.  However, it is clear that he left during one of the most trying, turbulent, and difficult periods of his movement’s history.  Many outstanding leaders I know would be energized by the challenge of repairing such an organization and nursing it back to health.  For whatever reason, this was the climate in which McCotter left.
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« Reply #43 on: April 12, 2008, 03:54:47 am »

Nevermind, that he already assumed for himself the claim of being an "apostle" which would be impossible in "New Testament Christianity" according to the Apostles' teachings...so that he is not only a "false apostle" but his "spiritual descendants" are his inheritors, then?

Funny how much what you just described sounds like the NAR (C. Peter Wagner etc...which GC quotes quite a bit) who say they're laying  a new foundation for the 21st century...when Jesus AND His apostles said none other can be laid than that which was laid, Jesus being the cornerstone and His apostles the rest (as only passing-on Jesus's teaching and person).

GC isn't nursed to health, unfortunately: it's increasingly spiritually bankrupt...preaching that religion is a lie and yet creating its own. : (
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« Reply #44 on: April 12, 2008, 05:17:22 pm »

"Many outstanding leaders I know would be energized by the challenge of repairing such an organization and nursing it back to health. For whatever reason, this was the climate in which McCotter left."

I was reading the below post, Anonymoustoday, when I thought about your comment.  It really does seem like a stronger leader would have stayed through "the storm":


"Just got out of a session with Len Sweet. What a brilliant mind. He likened cultural changes like post-modernism and post-Christianity to a perfect storm. And he challenged us to quit complaining about the weather. Here are five navigational principles he shared:

1) Launch into the deep.

 Our natural tendency is to run the other direction when a storm is headed our way. But the ships that get destroyed are the ones that hug the harbor.

2) Steer into the storm.

I think this is what Paul did in Athens. He didn't back down. He stepped up, walked into the areopagus, and went toe-to-toe with the most brilliant minds in the ancient world.

3) Get rid of excess cargo.

4) Lash yourself to the mast.

 The more culture changes the more we have to be in the Word. It's our anchor!

5) Enjoy the ride.

For what it's worth, Len has a book that just came out called The Church of the Perfect Storm. It's compilation of chapters from a variety of leaders, including yours truly. I think it's a good read.
posted by Mark Batterson at 10:15 AM on Apr 12, 2008 "
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« Reply #45 on: April 13, 2008, 10:36:07 am »

Mark, I think you caught the proper implications regarding the climate surrounding his leaving.  In his book Leadership: Elders and Apostles, McCotter states that apostles must first be elders/shepherds before they become apostles.  Shepherds, in the Word of God, have very high standards of conduct imposed on them.  One of those standards is to give their life for the sheep during difficult times, if need be.  Cutting and running when times are tough is the sign of a bad shepherd.  

The reason for McCotter’s leaving is unimportant, the fact that he left during the most difficult times of the movement is sufficient indictment.

"He who is a hired hand, and not a shepherd, who is not the owner of the sheep, sees the wolf coming, and leaves the sheep and flees, and the wolf snatches them and scatters them. "He flees because he is a hired hand and is not concerned about the sheep. (John 10:12-13)

Therefore, you shepherds, hear the word of the LORD: "As I live," declares the Lord GOD, "surely because My flock has become a prey, My flock has even become food for all the beasts of the field for lack of a shepherd, and My shepherds did not search for My flock, but rather the shepherds fed themselves and did not feed My flock; therefore, you shepherds, hear the word of the LORD: 'Thus says the Lord GOD, "Behold, I am against the shepherds, and I will demand My sheep from them and make them cease from feeding sheep. So the shepherds will not feed themselves anymore, but I will deliver My flock from their mouth, so that they will not be food for them."'" (Ezekiel 34:7-10)
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« Reply #46 on: April 13, 2008, 10:49:15 am »

Oops.  Sorry for my mix-up.  The previous post I put up is from Mark's blog, but he did not actually post here at de-com.  I just copy and pasted.  I should have made that more evident.

Thanks for sharing that though, anonymoustoday.
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« Reply #47 on: October 18, 2018, 10:46:36 pm »

We’ve seen some contrasting opinions about what GCM churches are like. We’ve shared some of our stories, but others have said they haven’t experienced the same thing. So, what makes the churches different?

O wise readers, what do you think? Are the churches that were planted by pastors who had a lot of discipling from Jim McCotter (particularly in Ames?) more unhealthy than others? Is Jim McCotter’s influence the X factor?

Who were the original leaders, and what churches did they start?

If you’ve left GCM because of any of the reasons we’ve talked about on this blog, were you in a church started by one of the originals? For the current attenders, are you in one of the original churches, or was it started more recently?

And the $100 question: Was Jim McCotter pushed out, or did he actually leave on his own? His up and leaving simply to be more involved in media companies doesn’t really make sense. Why wouldn’t he take the movement with him (like when they started the church in Maryland to be more political) or do it while still leading the movement? But I can’t see the pastors pushing him out after all the excommunication controversy either.

Does anyone know?

I do not know the answer to the above question, but I have wondered some of the same things.  When McCotter left the movement, it was shocking to me.  Shocking!!! 
 The story was that he felt led to do more with media, " for the gospel."

 He left the same movement that he started, preached and taught for 16-20 years, that the church is the ONLY biblical way to reach the world.  He taught that the first century Christians DID reach the world.  He taught that ALL the other churches, since the first century believers, had failed.  We needed to follow the Book of Acts, and " MAKE THE CHURCH WORK." The GREAT Commission Churches would reach the world,  because we would do what no other churches were doing.  We were taught that para-church groups like Campus Crusade were not God's will, missionary callings were not God's will.  It was only through " THE CHURCH"   I heard him teach this.  I heard other pastors teach this. I believed it, and embraced it and made big life decisions based on these teachings. 
 Commit for life.  It was taught and it is in the DNA of GCM.    In 1986 there was a national conference in Washington DC. " DC 86"  McCotter was one of the main teachers.  I heard and believed that my Commitment to this movement was God's will for my life.  How confusing that a year or so later he leaves.  No real explanation, no honest report given to the church of what really was the reason. 
That was sins of omission, the truth was not brought to light.  All the church members  should have been told the truth.  Jim McCotter, I believe should have been excommunicated.  How many people did he ex-communicate?Huh
The leadership should and I believe are reaping the consequences of their sin. ( At least at Evergreen.)

  Do not ask questions, just trust the leaders and follow.  Follow , follow, follow.  This is teaching I heard, and believed and IT IS FALSE, BIBLICAL teaching.
Again, How does a man teach that God's will for your life is the Great Commission and the only Biblical way to fulfill the Great Commission is through the GCM church, and then he leaves. 

It was so bizarre.  But McCotter leaves, and Mark Darling emerged.  I do see many similarities between Jim McCotter and Mark Darling.
 Mark Darling resigned from GCM instead of repenting or getting any help.  Mark Darling should have been excommunicated.  His ordination as a Pastor was taken away. Mark Darling was found to have abused his power as a pastor.   He was not excommunicated. He was not held to account for his sins by the leadership.  Instead- he was given a severance package and he has moved on to a new ministry.
It is all crazy, confusing, and deceptive.  This behavior is not of the Spirit.  Evergreen,and other GCM churches have a ugly history that goes back to a man ( McCotter)  who was prideful, unapproachable and did not have the maturity or the character of a Elder.  He is a prideful and deluded man.  Mark Darling also is a deceived and prideful man.

These GCM pastors have been told.  They have heard the stories, but they continue to play church.  Brent Knox, Doug Patterson, and Mark Bowen are still preaching.  Please brothers, step back and really look at all this.
BUT- they will stand before the Lord and give an account for the poor way they led so many of us.  My responsibility is to pursue Jesus, pursue healing and forgive.  I trusted, I tithed, I followed......they have hurt me.  I forgive you men.  Please repent. You will stand before the Lord.  As my husband said to me when we discussed this is " I would not want to be in their shoes."  I I heard the Lord say "Until there is TRUE REPENTANCE, God is opposed to you."  It is not to late.
Janet Easson Martin
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« Reply #48 on: October 19, 2018, 08:12:31 am »

Well said, Heidi!  I also believe God is opposed to their ways and plans. They are building their house on sand.  It has already started to crumble, and one day soon there will be nothing left of this fleshly effort to build a church upon the sand.  It is not been built or founded upon the Rock, who is Jesus.  It has not been controlled by nor grown according to the Holy Spirit. It is NOT God’s Work, it is man’s!

« Last Edit: October 19, 2018, 09:33:00 pm by Janet Easson Martin » Logged

For grace is given not because we have done good works, but in order that we may be able to do them.        - Saint Augustine
Vince Capobianco
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« Reply #49 on: December 19, 2020, 03:36:33 pm »

Jim McCotter is a wonderful brother who has, and continues to devote his life to the advancement of the Kingdom of God.  There have been so many terrible and vicious lies spread about this faithful brother!  It's really a shame on any believer who spreads gossip and slander about this devoted brother.  If you really want to meet Jim, he's still laboring for the gospel.  He's on facebook under (you'll never guess) JIM McCOTTER!  Why not IM him and ask whatever you want.  It's time to set the record straight and end the lies!  Jim is on facebook live every weekday at 4pm EST.  Just go on facebook and search for @jimmccotterlive and you can join the show live if you want to ask questions.  Jim is the most persecuted brother I've ever met.  Hmmmm...what does scripture say about persecution..."all those who live Godly in Christ Jesus WILL BE PERSECUTED!"  Is it any surprise that Jim is reviled by so many who are NOT being persecuted?  Time to step up.  God is calling His people to unite and make a difference for the Kingdom!
Janet Easson Martin
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« Reply #50 on: January 12, 2021, 09:54:13 pm »

The words and actions of McCotter speak for themselves.  They are that of a spiritual wolf scattering God’s sheep from sound Biblical teaching to submit to his false teachings (with a tongue as smooth as butter) in order to create a great following after himself.  He viciously attacks believers that get in his way and bullies naive Christians with soul crushing authoritarianism.  He has fooled many a man, but he doesn’t fool God.

This site is set up to report the truth about his (and his disciples’) abusive measures that others personally experienced all in the “name of The Lord”.  Now, that would send any normal person reeling by itself.  But, these victims and witnesses were silenced from speaking to other leaders (and concerned members) about what they saw and heard.  In fact, they were slandered by McCotter (and subsequent leaders under him) in telling their congrations that these witnesses were spreading false rumors and even lying about events.  These witnesses were essentially punished for pointing out error through the leaders commanding their congregations to shun them.  

You are shunning them all over again by trying to silence the truth about what we witnessed under McCotter as our church founder and leader; and under those he erroneously trained to do the same.  

These are not terrible vicious lies.  We’ve heard more than we care to remember from McCotter.  Most of us here are not interested in false pretenses of any kind.  If he ever truly repents, I’m sure he’ll be the first to humbly seek us out on here.  

« Last Edit: January 12, 2021, 10:03:39 pm by Janet Easson Martin » Logged

For grace is given not because we have done good works, but in order that we may be able to do them.        - Saint Augustine
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« Reply #51 on: January 12, 2021, 10:50:51 pm »

The words and actions of McCotter speak for themselves.  They are that of a spiritual wolf scattering God’s sheep from sound Biblical teaching to submit to his false teachings (with a tongue as smooth as butter) in order to create a great following after himself.  He viciously attacks believers that get in his way and bullies naive Christians with soul crushing authoritarianism.  He has fooled many a man, but he doesn’t fool God.

This site is set up to report the truth about his (and his disciples’) abusive measures that others personally experienced all in the “name of The Lord”.  Now, that would send any normal person reeling by itself.  But, these victims and witnesses were silenced from speaking to other leaders (and concerned members) about what they saw and heard.  In fact, they were slandered by McCotter (and subsequent leaders under him) in telling their congrations that these witnesses were spreading false rumors and even lying about events.  These witnesses were essentially punished for pointing out error through the leaders commanding their congregations to shun them.  

You are shunning them all over again by trying to silence the truth about what we witnessed under McCotter as our church founder and leader; and under those he erroneously trained to do the same.  

These are not terrible vicious lies.  We’ve heard more than we care to remember from McCotter.  Most of us here are not interested in false pretenses of any kind.  If he ever truly repents, I’m sure he’ll be the first to humbly seek us out on here.  

Janeth, you have yet to answer my question on the other threat on this forum.... You basically think he is a narcissist. Or is there more to it? Have you ever even met Jim? Have you ever spend any time with him or his wife Barb?
Janet Easson Martin
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« Reply #52 on: January 13, 2021, 09:52:42 pm »

McCotter Indoctrination Poison

The following recounts two key indoctrinations of the GCx [Blitz, GCI, GCAC, GCM, GCC] “Movement” that thousands of us heard, including myself, from the self-appointed founder, McCotter.  First, that their “Movement” was accomplishing Jesus’ “Great Commission” in Matthew 28 better than any group in this generation and since the first century.  Second, true dedication to God meant total commitment for life to this “Movement” which would ensure a life not wasted or cursed.  After you read the testimony of a long-time member who left only 2 years ago, look at the Questions below that each scripture asks about the teacher and the teachings described here.

He [James D. McCotter, GCx founder & leader] taught that the first century Christians DID reach the world.  He taught that ALL the other churches, since the first century believers, had failed.  We needed to follow the Book of Acts, and " MAKE THE CHURCH WORK." The GREAT Commission Churches would reach the world,  because we would do what no other churches were doing.  We were taught that para-church groups like Campus Crusade were not God's will, missionary callings were not God's will.  It was only through "THE CHURCH".  I heard him teach this.  I heard other pastors teach this. I believed it, and embraced it and made big life decisions based on these teachings.
‘Commit for life’.  It was taught and it is in the DNA of GCM.  ‘Do not ask questions, just trust the leaders and follow’.  Follow , follow, follow.  This is teaching I heard, and believed; and IT IS FALSE, BIBLICAL teaching.

Jim McCotter, I believe should have been excommunicated.  How many people did he ex-communicate???

The [GCx] leadership... I believe are reaping the consequences of their sin. (At least at Evergreen.)

Evergreen Church [recently renamed Hometown Church], and other GCM [GCx alias] churches have a ugly history that goes back to a man (McCotter) who was prideful, unapproachable and did not have the maturity or the character of a Elder.  He is a prideful and deluded man.

... BUT- they will stand before the Lord and give an account for the poor way they led so many of us.  My responsibility is to pursue Jesus, pursue healing and forgive.  I trusted, I tithed, I followed......they have hurt me.  I forgive you men.  Please repent.  You will stand before the Lord. ...  I heard the Lord say "Until there is TRUE REPENTANCE, God is opposed to you."  It is not too late.

-Heidi    [left 2018]

Scripturally Based Questions:

1.  “I know that after I leave, savage wolves will come in among you and will not spare the flock.  And men will rise up from your own number with deviant doctrines to lure the disciples into following them.   Acts 20:30 HCSB

Where do these predatory teachers usually come from?

What do they teach?

Why do they teach such things?

Does God commend Teachers that depart from the Word of God?

2.  “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves.  By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles?  Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. ... Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.” Matthew 7:15-16,17,20  HCSB

In what manner do false teachers appear?

What are some outward characteristics that would strongly contrast and disguise inward ferociousness?

What results might come from thistles and thornbushes?  Perhaps especially for sheep?

3.  “And I will keep on doing what I am doing in order to cut the ground from under those who want an opportunity to be considered equal with us in the things they boast about.  For such people are false apostles, deceitful workers, masquerading as apostles of Christ”.   2 Corinthians 11:12-13  NIV

Can those who boast be pretending to be something they aren’t?

Was Paul’s ministry credible and trustworthy?  Was it because it was truly born and bred from the Holy Spirit?   Why would they claim that theirs is a superior ministry to Paul’s?

Could there be similar deception with those who established their following on the claim that their ministry was superior to CRU (Campus Crusade for Christ’s), missionaries, and even Billy Graham (I and others heard this taught by McCotter)?

What could criticizing and comparing well-known sound teachers to themselves accomplish according to this verse?

« Last Edit: January 16, 2021, 08:41:40 am by Janet Easson Martin » Logged

For grace is given not because we have done good works, but in order that we may be able to do them.        - Saint Augustine
Janet Easson Martin
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« Reply #53 on: January 16, 2021, 04:33:48 pm »

In light of discussing McCotter’s influence even on many current GCx Churches, these statements bear repeating:

I had the opportunity to hear from the person who baptized me and he was part of the movement from long ago and followed Jim McCotter to D.C. His assessment as one who sat directly under his feet is that Jim is evil. Mind you, he is still a Christian and supports missions heavily. His basic assessment of Jim is that he loves money and that he is a wolf.  If Jim is the root of the movement, is it any wonder that the tree bears abusive fruit?

Jim really did make it all up as he went along, didn't he?  He was passionate all right, just not about accurate Bible teaching. ... I don't get it, though.  Why didn't the churches excommunicate him for teaching heresy??  Not a joke.  Why didn't they?? He says a lot of stuff that was way wrong, like apostles did not have to actually see Christ resurrected, or be appointed by Jesus, and so on...
It seems the reason GC did not add the apostleship heresy to their letter of "errors" is that they do not think the concept or the teaching of Jim McCotter was in any way an error, only that the title of "apostle" was embarrassing.  So they dumped the title and kept the doctrine and practice.  So, the national leaders are actually apostles, but they are just not called apostles because it makes GC look too cult-like.

I heard my own pastor-elders defend numerous doctrinal errors by Jim McCotter on the basis that "Jim is principally an evangelist, not a theologian."  What kind of a stupid excuse is that for tolerating the spreading of unsound teaching from the pulpit to numerous congregations?  GC's own authority structure appears to prevent them correcting unsound teaching by high-ranking leaders.  

« Last Edit: January 16, 2021, 05:37:56 pm by Janet Easson Martin » Logged

For grace is given not because we have done good works, but in order that we may be able to do them.        - Saint Augustine
Janet Easson Martin
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« Reply #54 on: January 16, 2021, 05:51:41 pm »

This former member raises QUESTIONS THAT SHOULD BE ASKED:

...the current leaders of GCx do indeed read these posts and truly wish to start bringing about change, I would suggest that a good first step would be to identify Jim McCotter as a heretic. He is teaching a false gospel that is tied strongly to outward works. Now, the obvious question is whether or not their theology would allow them to label him as a heretic. I think that would be a good question to ask them; if they see Jim McCotter's current and/or past teaching as against the gospel and therefore, as heresy. Also, if they don't, why don't they?

The reason I think they should take a stronger stance on McCotter is that, as this forum testifies, so many of his teachings have been imbedded in the culture of this movement. Authoritative and controlling parenting that crosses the line and abuses children; and is behavior focused instead of grace centered is wrong. Inadequate training of shepherds, and works based performance standards for leaders is wrong. Controlling life decisions: whom you should or shouldn't date, or where you should or shouldn't move to, and committing to a church for life are wrong and unbiblical. ...

In my opinion, Faithwalkers was an attempt to reclaim the movement by those churches and regions (midwest) where McCotter had the most influence. ... The first Faithwalkers was very old-school. ... in attendance was Jim McCotter and several overtures were made for him to come back and he was honored several times as well by MD and RW [GCx leaders names abbreviated]. The messages from the first Faithwalkers have never been put online by GCC (and I believe that to be intentional since every other year's messages were up). If someone were to find the messages from the first year, it would be hard to deny that they were trying to return to the days of McCotter.


For grace is given not because we have done good works, but in order that we may be able to do them.        - Saint Augustine
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« Reply #55 on: January 16, 2021, 11:11:13 pm »

These types of posts make me think that speaking bad of Jim McCotter is slander.... I don't think it is, because he is a public figure.... But my goodness how many accusations without any proof. I could consider this libel. And if Jim McCotter didn't believe in I Cor. 5, he would be able to sue the living daylights out of you....

If you're going to accused Jim McCotter of something.... Come up with something substantial and focus in on that....

You have not replied either to my question, which was how long have you been gone from GCx?  Jim McCotter has been gone for around 34 years... GCC disbanded.... So, you're writing posts almost on a daily basis about somebody who hasn't even been a part of GCC, which doesn't exist anymore for over a third of century.... You certainly let Jim McCotter influence your life.... He influences your life more than he influences GCC, which doesn't exist anymore....

Do you want the legacy of your life to be that you wrote posts on a Unix forum on a daily basis about somebody, that you probably haven't had any contact with for decades... (Of course I don't know.... Maybe you live next door to him.... if so, just go talk with him...)

And if he is poison.... he's certainly slow working poison, because you are still up and running.

I will say this. You're a good writer.... You can use that talent in a lot more productive way.
Janet Easson Martin
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« Reply #56 on: January 17, 2021, 09:10:37 pm »


I am posting this blog below because documentation of McCotter’s deception and abuse of power toward others seem to be mysteriously disappearing.  I cannot find Marching to Zion, nor the 1984 Spiritual Gifts Video, nor a post I wrote on March 11, 2018 about the video (though Google still has the “entry” on a search).  When I did look for these a number of days ago from our “De-Commissioned Forum” References Section here, what popped up instead was an “XE” logo with the small print “X Evil” and underneath the words Click Here to remove lines from this website.  Obviously someone is trying to erase their appalling history.

McCotter currently preaches and teaches over the Internet and is selling books even through Amazon on Spiritual Guidance.  Upright Christian men who knew him need to take RESPONSIBILITY to speak up and CONDEMN his abusive teaching and practices.  Don’t be fooled or discouraged from writing on the site below though it has recently been a target by his followers, as has been this one.

This declaration below is from another site dedicated solely to the deeds of MCotter.  I believe it is a VERY SINCERE CALL, especially to GCC leaders big and small.

Cindy K says:
February 28, 2009 at 10:32 pm

Move On,

This may not apply to you, and it may not be of interest to some if you do not know McCotter within a Christian context. But I will offer my perspective.

We are all human and we are all sinners. But Jim McCotter is not just “Joe Q Public” or even just a businessman. He is supposed to be an upright Christian leader. The New Testament has some pretty clear requirements spelled out for those who teach and for those who govern activities in churches. The standard for leaders in the church is very high and the responsibilities to be of good character are much higher than standards for those who are not in leadership. They are to be men of the utmost best character and above reproach.

For those of us who are Christians, it isn’t a matter of being unforgiving or requiring a standard of legalistic perfection. This is a matter of meeting the minimum requirements, even for a deacon, listed for us by the Apostles in the New Testament. That is not hypocritical. That’s being a responsible, dutiful Christian. I know that this is not the reason for many who post here on this site, but it must be a concern for some.

It’s also disturbing, because Jim McCotter sits on the Counsel of National Policy, the Christian Right’s think tank answer to the Counsel on Foreign Relations or the Trilateral Commission, or so I always understood it. That alone buys McCotter a great deal of clout and political advantage among those in the Christian Right. And the church is already seen as an hypocritical organization by the younger generations because we don’t hold our own accountable for breaking all the rules and for not being transparent. You would hope that the Christians who call McCotter their friend and co-laborer for the sake of Christianity would hold him accountable. If there is any hypocrisy, it is the fact that the Evangelical Christian Church has let this man get away with things ranging from aberrant to what some have suggested is murder.
     (Emphasis mine)

*The last line may refer to a pilot who was killed in a test flight ordered by James D. McCotter, though the pilot was very reluctant in testing the aircraft.  The second man’s death may be that of an employee under McCotter in New Zealand who committed suicide after some egregious action taken by McCotter related to his employees.  These stories in detail should be on the Internet unless they too have been removed.

Here is the link to the site:  

« Last Edit: January 19, 2021, 01:12:44 pm by Janet Easson Martin » Logged

For grace is given not because we have done good works, but in order that we may be able to do them.        - Saint Augustine
Janet Easson Martin
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« Reply #57 on: January 18, 2021, 05:34:39 pm »

From Cindy K’s Blogspot, “Under Much Grace”:

“Quote:  When a toxic person can no longer control you, they will try to control how others see you.  The misinformation will feel unfair, but stay above it, trusting that the other people will eventually see the TRUTH, just like you did!”

God sternly warns:

“You shall not spread a false report. You shall not join hands with a wicked man to be a malicious witness.”    Exodus 23:1


For grace is given not because we have done good works, but in order that we may be able to do them.        - Saint Augustine
Janet Easson Martin
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« Reply #58 on: January 18, 2021, 05:44:59 pm »

In “Cult-Proofing Your Kids”, Paul Martin wrote about his experiences with Jim:

Ultimately, by 1978 the lack of ethical standards I perceived on the part of GCI’s national leader [Jim McCotter] finally woke me up. He was able to justify veiled deception and outright misrepresentation as effective means of getting out the Gospel. To question this was to be divisive. For seven months, I struggled in vein to get this leader to listen. The experience for me and my wife was like being interrogated in a Communist Chinese prison. During that time she suffered a miscarriage, and I was physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually exhausted. My father, an evangelical pastor, heard of these discussions and was enraged. Normally a calm man, his anger flared. I will never forget what he said about my leader: “Paul, I have met thousands of people in my life, but when I met your leader, cold chills ran down my spine. He is the most evil man I have met in my life. . . . He is a false teacher . . . he throttled you.”

« Last Edit: February 15, 2021, 08:00:08 am by Janet Easson Martin » Logged

For grace is given not because we have done good works, but in order that we may be able to do them.        - Saint Augustine
Janet Easson Martin
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« Reply #59 on: January 19, 2021, 09:52:48 am »

Yet another telling resource outlining McCotter’s spiritual abuse mysteriously removed.  

MacDonald, Jerry (1988). "Reject the Wicked Man: Coercive Persuasion and Deviance Production: A Study of Conflict Management". Cultic Studies Journal.

The Reference is listed on the Wikipedia site about McCotter, but the link has been tampered with resulting in no article, only the logo XE “XEvil!” with the notation “To be able to access site www.gcxweb.org, delete lines related to it from hosts file.( check Help file of XEvil)”

Newly Substituted page link

« Last Edit: January 19, 2021, 01:13:40 pm by Janet Easson Martin » Logged

For grace is given not because we have done good works, but in order that we may be able to do them.        - Saint Augustine
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