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Author Topic: The Reckoning  (Read 231858 times)
Veteran (100-299 Posts)
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« Reply #200 on: March 13, 2018, 08:00:16 am »

Yup. Block ALL comments except for your "friends" and then change the story AGAIN. You guys - it's all unraveling right before your eyes...(oops, that rhymed)
Obscure Poster (1-14 Posts)
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« Reply #201 on: March 13, 2018, 09:06:04 am »

God is weeping over all of you right now. ALL of you, meaning everyone commenting on both sides. He hates seeing his children act like this. I hate it because it makes the American church look even more spoiled than it already is. A former Muslim turned Christ follower friend asked me “why do so many of the Christians here hate each other? Where I’m from Islam does it for them, but her they do it to there own people.” So true and heartbreaking. Over there they have Sunni and Shia, here its (insert church name here) vs. (insert church name here), or Christian vs Christian. Imagine the power you could show by showing forgiveness to someone like Suzanne and vise versa. It’s easy to forgive our cozy church friends when one of them farts at your cozy Sunday morning small group. It’s when someone like Suzanne causes the pain she has caused you guys and you offer forgiveness and pray for her because she is clearly hurting. Please in Jesus name end this all of you!!!!! We left the Rock but I am not your enemy, and you are not my enemy. I used to worship with you guys at the rock. Please stop this!! It’s alreay devided my family. No one is glorified here besides the evil one.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2018, 09:17:22 am by RestinHimalone » Logged
Digital Lynch Mob
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« Reply #202 on: March 13, 2018, 09:20:52 am »

I think God has been weeping over this site since it's inception. There is talk of spiritual healing, but the same people have been posting for a decade. There is no healing here, just nameless and faceless accusations. If you were wronged, talk to the person who wronged you. If you have and haven't found reconciliation then move on with your life and shake the dust of your feet.

And creating a social media campaign of slander with the sole intention of destroying a man's life is not just - as you put it - a fart at your cozy Sunday morning small group. Some of us have decided we will not just sit silently and watch it happen.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men should do nothing.” I will not be among those who do nothing.
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« Reply #203 on: March 13, 2018, 09:24:20 am »

God is weeping over all of you right now. ALL of you, meaning everyone commenting on both sides. He hates seeing his children act like this. I hate it because it makes the American church look even more spoiled than it already is. A former Muslim turned Christ follower friend asked me “why do so many of the Christians here hate each other? Where I’m from Islam does it for them, but her they do it to there own people.” So true and heartbreaking. Over there they have Sunni and Shia, here its (insert church name here) vs. (insert church name here), or Christian vs Christian. Imagine the power you could show by showing forgiveness to someone like Suzanne and vise versa. It’s easy to forgive our cozy church friends when one of them farts at your cozy Sunday morning small group. It’s when someone like Suzanne causes the pain she has caused you guys and you offer forgiveness and pray for her because she is clearly hurting. Please in Jesus name end this all of you!!!!! We left the Rock but I am not your enemy, and you are not my enemy. I used to worship with you guys at the rock. Please stop this!! It’s alreay devided my family. No one is glorified here besides the evil one.

Everyone in my family has offered forgiveness friend. Not one of us has called her any names. We've simply laid forth the truth. If you haven't read all the parts of the Bible where we're told to defend those that cannot defend themselves, than you need to go back. Just because people say they go to church on a website doesn't mean they're not a Pharisee. Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks (or in this case, the fingers type) and a majority of the folks on this site have proven themselves to be Pharisees - whom Jesus was VERY stern with. Farting in church is different than someone falsely accusing your father of sexual abuse. If you google "mark darling" this website now comes up FIRST and he's been talked about on this website more than any other pastor. We never set foot on this website until this exploded and now we're being castigated for defending our parents (Even though we were silent for 2 full months). You would be doing the exact same thing if it were happening to someone close to you that you knew was innocent and who's entire life, ministry and future hung in the balance.
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« Reply #204 on: March 13, 2018, 09:31:21 am »

Oh my goodness, no one is taking up arms to destroy anybody. And guess what? Your muslim friend was never allowed to return to that family. She left and was forced to move on with her life and COULD because her family apparently didn't spend every waking moment destroying her digitally. We did forgive Suzanne, but if these lies continue unabated, my parents lives could be utterly ruined because no one stood up to defend them. THIS IS WHY THE BIBLE WARNS SO MUCH AGAINST GOSSIP AND SLANDER. Being persecuted for you faith with threats of violence is a whole different ball game. Incidentally, Islam is the most female-hating, Christian-hating religion on the face of the earth - and if an army of muslims were threatening me or family like Suzanne is I would defend my family and myself to the very end.
Obscure Poster (1-14 Posts)
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« Reply #205 on: March 13, 2018, 09:33:03 am »

I’m not asking you to do nothing. I asking you to do what my former Muslim friend did to his family who said they would kill him by becoming a Christian. FORGIVIVE. This is your cross. This pain she has caused you guys can be glorified by doing what Christ did when they nailed him to the Cross. “Forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” Or continue to act like Muhammad of Islam  and take up arms and destroy...


Forgiveness is paramount, here, and it is freely given. I forgive Suzanne and I love her as my sister in Christ.

But forgiveness does not denote the necessity of inaction when you see someone being repeatedly attacked and abused. This was not simply one allegation post two months ago and left there. She has continued to post allegations and lies on almost a daily basis for two months and she has been clear that she has no intention of stopping anytime soon.

So, I'll ask you again, as I asked in another thread:

If you saw a loved one, a family member, directly in front of you, getting physically attacked by a group of individuals, would you try to defend that loved one? Or would you say to the people attacking your loved one "I forgive you" and keep watching it happen?

Obscure Poster (1-14 Posts)
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« Reply #206 on: March 13, 2018, 09:58:30 am »

I would just stay off social media and this forum and let my attorney make a statement and wait for the investigation to end because it’s not physical violence happening where self defense is warranted but speech. Your not going to change anyone’s minds on here most likely I’m assuming. If it continues than sue for defamation of character in the courts. I know it’s easy for me to say though since it’s not happening to my family and I have grace for you guys. I love you guys and I really do feel for you all truly.

You'd be amazed at the damage--physical, emotional, financial, relational--that these lies are causing to all of my loved ones. And unfortunately it is not nearly as clear cut and easy as your suggestion makes it sound. I truly wish it were.

Proverbs 25:18
Telling lies about others is as harmful as hitting them with an ax, wounding them with a sword, or shooting them with a sharp arrow.
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« Reply #207 on: March 13, 2018, 10:02:13 am »

I would just stay off social media and this forum and let my attorney make a statement and wait for the investigation to end because it’s not physical violence happening where self defense is warranted but speech. Your not going to change anyone’s minds on here most likely I’m assuming. If it continues than sue for defamation of character in the courts. I know it’s easy for me to say though since it’s not happening to my family and I have grace for you guys. I love you guys and I really do feel for you all truly.

Friend, what would we get out of a lawsuit? Money? Exoneration from a judge? Do you honestly think my dad, who lives in a twin home and drives 2 VERY used cars, on his meager salary has the money and stamina to see through a $10k or more suit (which technically we're commanded in the Bible to NOT do) which would offer him absolutely no validation, hope or peace whatsoever?
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« Reply #208 on: March 13, 2018, 10:28:25 am »

Because Suzanne and EVERY USER ON THIS BOARD has mocked the investigation as a sham and shown empirically they already think it's corrupt and won't accept the outcome. More importantly, NOWHERE in the Bible is a church investigation by an outside attorney commanded as the approach for dealing with false allegations. I love EG, they made the choice they thought was best, but it's been roundly mocked by EVERYONE in Suzanne's corner. By the time the investigation is done, the #1 ranking site for "mark darling" on Google will have had so many anti-Mark, anti-Rock, anti-Evergreen and anti-GCC statements that hundreds of people googling for my dad, our churches and our movements will see absolutely no truths about what's really taking place, and in the meantime my mother and father continue wasting away. If you knew what this was actually like for them to live through, you'd be holding a 24 hour prayer vigil outside their home. If you really care about our family, consider doing that instead of trying to convince their children to let their abuse go un-answered.
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« Reply #209 on: March 13, 2018, 10:30:59 am »

I can only imagine what harm it’s caused for all of you so I do understand that point. So are you guys planning on living a life forever trying to preach to ex GCC trolls on this site? Why not stay off and wait for the investigation to conclude with the attorney that Evergreen has hired and release the conclusions of your fathers innocent on here which would be legal documents of innocence and not a personal opinion when it is completed, is what i guess I was trying to say.


This would be a very reasonable approach and would be far easier to do if the person making these accusations (and her supporters) would cooperate with the investigation and stop throwing out additional accusations however she's sees fit in a very public way. Neither of these things are happening. I could turn and look the other way, but that doesn't stop the abuse from continuing to happen to my parents and my family.

I am not trying to preach to anyone. Only trying to defend those who cannot defend themselves, who at this time just so happen to be the people most dear to me in the world.

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« Reply #210 on: March 13, 2018, 10:47:57 am »

Jeremy we have been praying for your entire family daily. It’s responses like that that assume the worst in us that caused us to leave in the first place when you don’t know our hearts at all. We are NOT your enemy but how dare the sheep try and give council where I don’t belong! Typical responses that haven’t changed.

I never said you weren't praying for my family! I said a 24 hour prayer vigil outside their house! incidentally, the FIRST thing you should have done before posting on here should have been to call all of us on the phone and tell us you're praying for us, and then pray with us over the phone or at LEAST post on here that you are. Castigating us for defending our father gives us NO OTHER impression other than that you do not have compassion or empathy in this situation. I don't even know you're real name so how in the world should I know your hearts and intentions over a message board?
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« Reply #211 on: March 13, 2018, 11:12:49 am »

first of all, you've mentioned you leaving the church half a dozen times now - on a thread about my father's sexual abuse allegations. Conflating leaving the church with a sexual abuse allegations and the proper response to EITHER is absolutely out of line. You opened this thread by asking us to stay silent and inferring we are wrong to be on here supporting our father - ergo, castigating us for doing such. Leaving a church (with apparently very unmended fences) is night and day different than being accused of sexual abuse no?
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« Reply #212 on: March 13, 2018, 11:20:47 am »

Your right and my apologies and since we have left, it’s better I just let this play out and wait for evergreen to issue the results when the investigation is complete.

I forgive you absolutely
Trying To Keep Up!
Obscure Poster (1-14 Posts)
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« Reply #213 on: March 13, 2018, 11:52:19 am »

And this thread between jeromydaviddarling and RestinHimalone is beautiful from a reconciliation standpoint.

God bless you both for a civil discourse and showing it in this for all to see.  My faith has been a tiny bit restored that people can still reconcile.
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« Reply #214 on: March 13, 2018, 11:56:25 am »

Peace, I replied to you in a PM, but I'm going to copy and paste parts of my answer here before I go back into lurker mode for a little while longer.

From my perspective, Janet isn't claiming that every GC church, everywhere, is guilty of everything she lists. To me, it's more like she's saying that these are problems which occur with some regularity in GC churches, as opposed to other, healthier churches. When we talk about GC churches on this forum, sometimes we include disclaimers to the effect that there are exceptions, there are a lot of good people who attend there, and so forth, but more often the disclaimers are implicit. After all, we were there. We all understand that there are and were good things and good people in GC churches. We don't have to make that point in each and every post. But I can see that that might not be readily apparent to a newcomer.

Occasionally, we still get new people coming to the forum who are dealing with the very same problems I encountered so long ago, in a different location with different leaders. I can only conclude that there are systemic weaknesses which GC is still perpetuating.

But perhaps this is something on which we'll have to agree to disagree.
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« Reply #215 on: April 04, 2018, 05:14:24 pm »

In the mid-90’s, Mark Darling was put on a leave of absence for a few months. When we asked some in leadership why, they would not tell us. Does anyone know what that was about? What a strange thing. Pastor on leave and no one is told why.

Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift.
Digital Lynch Mob
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« Reply #216 on: April 05, 2018, 11:39:47 am »

Still slinging mud.
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« Reply #217 on: April 05, 2018, 11:44:58 am »

Still slinging mud.

Is there a reason you believe asking for the reason a pastor went on a leave of absence is slinging mud? Seems like a reasonable question to me.
Household Name (300+ Posts)
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« Reply #218 on: April 05, 2018, 11:50:43 am »

You were there then, DLM. Wink Did you know why?

Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift.
Household Name (300+ Posts)
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« Reply #219 on: April 05, 2018, 11:57:23 am »

DLM, you seem upset that someone asked a question about Mark stepping down for a while. It feels like slinging mud to you, to discuss it.

Glad to be free.
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