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Author Topic: The Hypocritical Actions of Mark Bowen  (Read 75036 times)
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« Reply #40 on: July 17, 2018, 12:23:02 pm »

Pietwowo, I think you are a pretender, pretending you are someone you are not. Trying to keep Suzanne's immorality front and center. Well, it's not going to work because no matter what was the spiritual state of Suzanne in any of those years when Mark Darling is guilty of emotional abuse and inappropriate behavior alone with her and other women, Mark Darling as a pastor abused his power and is completely corrupt for not admitting it and coming clean. There are many people who have testified that even in more public settings, Mark Darling wanted to know details of other people's sex life, which is really sick. The Evergreen BoT would never have rescinded his ordination if they didn't see some really inappropriate stuff with multiple women.

And the Bible, which you claim to love so much, says that if we confess our sins He (God) is faithful to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. This is what I wish Mark Darling would do, but instead he can't live without a fan club and people who glorify him. As for Suzanne, you can stop condemning her since even Jesus did not come to condemn people but to save them. So you can stop with the self-righteous condemnation garbage that you have been spewing out. And by the way, it doesn't only take a Christian to see that you are bankrupt and sick in your thinking.

And this has gotten way off the topic of Mark Bowen's hypocrisy, so maybe the person who started this thread could close it since it is becoming weird.
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« Reply #41 on: July 17, 2018, 12:47:46 pm »

I only know what is in the report.... It doesn't give any details. But again, since you have removed any absolutes in your life, or anything that has morals that are absolute, you have nothing to stand upon. For instance, I can say that if Mark did what Suzanne said that he did that that is abhorent. But youu can't say that, because you don't have any absolute standards to hold to. You have removed yourself from under the authority of God and His Word. But again, I haven't seen proof that what Suzanne said that Mark did, he really did. He denies it. It's his word against hers. And hers admits herself that she was sexually immoral with her boyfriend.

Actually its MD's word against five women, written documents, a legal investigation, and the conclusions of the Evergreen BOT, but I doubt any compilation of evidence will convince you of MD's wrongdoing. I guess slander and slut-shaming the victims are the only resources you have left to defend him.  Cry Cry Cry
« Last Edit: July 17, 2018, 12:49:31 pm by G_Prince » Logged

Here's an easy way to find out if you're in a cult. If you find yourself asking the question, "am I in a cult?" the answer is yes. -Stephen Colbert
Rebel in a Good Way
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« Reply #42 on: July 17, 2018, 01:29:14 pm »

I didn't know it was possible to close a thread?  How does one do that? 

Pietwowo, I think you are a pretender, pretending you are someone you are not. Trying to keep Suzanne's immorality front and center. Well, it's not going to work because no matter what was the spiritual state of Suzanne in any of those years when Mark Darling is guilty of emotional abuse and inappropriate behavior alone with her and other women, Mark Darling as a pastor abused his power and is completely corrupt for not admitting it and coming clean. There are many people who have testified that even in more public settings, Mark Darling wanted to know details of other people's sex life, which is really sick. The Evergreen BoT would never have rescinded his ordination if they didn't see some really inappropriate stuff with multiple women.

And the Bible, which you claim to love so much, says that if we confess our sins He (God) is faithful to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. This is what I wish Mark Darling would do, but instead he can't live without a fan club and people who glorify him. As for Suzanne, you can stop condemning her since even Jesus did not come to condemn people but to save them. So you can stop with the self-righteous condemnation garbage that you have been spewing out. And by the way, it doesn't only take a Christian to see that you are bankrupt and sick in your thinking.

And this has gotten way off the topic of Mark Bowen's hypocrisy, so maybe the person who started this thread could close it since it is becoming weird.
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« Reply #43 on: July 17, 2018, 01:45:34 pm »


I notice that if I start a thread, if I go to the last post, on the left had side, it gives me the option of locking it.

Doesn't that mean I am closing it?

I haven't tried it yet, but I noticed that option and thought that is what it meant.
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« Reply #44 on: July 17, 2018, 05:41:26 pm »

Pietwowo, I think you are a pretender, pretending you are someone you are not. Trying to keep Suzanne's immorality front and center. Well, it's not going to work because no matter what was the spiritual state of Suzanne in any of those years when Mark Darling is guilty of emotional abuse and inappropriate behavior alone with her and other women, Mark Darling as a pastor abused his power and is completely corrupt for not admitting it and coming clean. There are many people who have testified that even in more public settings, Mark Darling wanted to know details of other people's sex life, which is really sick. The Evergreen BoT would never have rescinded his ordination if they didn't see some really inappropriate stuff with multiple women.

And the Bible, which you claim to love so much, says that if we confess our sins He (God) is faithful to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. This is what I wish Mark Darling would do, but instead he can't live without a fan club and people who glorify him. As for Suzanne, you can stop condemning her since even Jesus did not come to condemn people but to save them. So you can stop with the self-righteous condemnation garbage that you have been spewing out. And by the way, it doesn't only take a Christian to see that you are bankrupt and sick in your thinking.

And this has gotten way off the topic of Mark Bowen's hypocrisy, so maybe the person who started this thread could close it since it is becoming weird.

You are putting all of the guilt on Mark and Mark Bowen. I think you are coming up with things without knowing the facts.

Yes, Mark Darling did confess his sins. Read the context. It is talking about people that say they have no sins. It's a comparrison of true Christianity and gnosticism.  But on this specific sin. I haven't seen proof yet. I have heard from Suzanne's own mouth that she obviously was in an immoral relationship with her boyfriend.

Let me sum this up, where I stand: I don't see the guilt of Mark Darling yet. I haven't seen proof of what he has been accused of. As far as Suzanne is concerned, I believe she made it clear that she was sleeping with her boyfriend. That's called fornication. That is all in a nutshell.

Now, if you come back with an accusation against me that I endorse sexual harassment, then you have misjudged what I'm saying. It's the same as if I said that I haven't seen proof that you robbed a bank and then someone says "Oh, he endorses robbing banks."  That's an illogical conclusion. I haven't seen concrete proof of abuse. That's all I'm saying.

Thank you very much.
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« Reply #45 on: July 17, 2018, 05:42:42 pm »

I only know what is in the report.... It doesn't give any details. But again, since you have removed any absolutes in your life, or anything that has morals that are absolute, you have nothing to stand upon. For instance, I can say that if Mark did what Suzanne said that he did that that is abhorent. But youu can't say that, because you don't have any absolute standards to hold to. You have removed yourself from under the authority of God and His Word. But again, I haven't seen proof that what Suzanne said that Mark did, he really did. He denies it. It's his word against hers. And hers admits herself that she was sexually immoral with her boyfriend.

Actually its MD's word against five women, written documents, a legal investigation, and the conclusions of the Evergreen BOT, but I doubt any compilation of evidence will convince you of MD's wrongdoing. I guess slander and slut-shaming the victims are the only resources you have left to defend him.  Cry Cry Cry

How do you, specifically you, even define wrong?  You have yet to answer that.
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« Reply #46 on: July 17, 2018, 06:59:20 pm »

Yes, Mark Darling did confess his sins.

When? To who? His son Jeromy Darling referred to the entire thing as a "vicious rumor" as recently as 5 days ago on his social media.

Let me sum this up, where I stand: I don't see the guilt of Mark Darling yet. I haven't seen proof of what he has been accused of.

That's why they hired Joan, a "third party investigator", to look into it and (they hoped) clear his name. MD defenders spent a lot of time defending the decision to pick Joan, and defending the decision not to release her report in full, prior to the BoT removing MD's ordination based upon her report. If there were as many 'holes' in her story as Jeromy and other MD defenders suggested, it should have been easy for her to clear his name? That didn't happen, the exact opposite did. So since the details weren't released (ECC's decision) we are all left to wonder at the exact details, something many people warned would happen if they didn't at least have Joan write a summary of her findings.
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« Reply #47 on: July 17, 2018, 07:01:06 pm »


Are you a Christian? I ask because you appear to not understand that the Bible teaches that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. That’s why we need a Savior.

Because ALL shave sinned, it means you, me, Mark Darling, everyone has sinned. We are all guilty.

Are you saying that we should define people by their past sins? I have heard testimonies from ECC pastors and their wives that involve sexual immorality, drug use, and even abortion. These people are new creations in Christ.

A person who understands the Gospel would not speak as you do.


Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift.
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« Reply #48 on: July 17, 2018, 07:25:51 pm »


Are you a Christian? I ask because you appear to not understand that the Bible teaches that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. That’s why we need a Savior.

Because ALL shave sinned, it means you, me, Mark Darling, everyone has sinned. We are all guilty.

Are you saying that we should define people by their past sins? I have heard testimonies from ECC pastors and their wives that involve sexual immorality, drug use, and even abortion. These people are new creations in Christ.

A person who understands the Gospel would not speak as you do.

I think just today, I clarified that all have sinned. We all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. (Rom. 3:23, Isa 53:6)  I hope that is clarified.

Yes, I agree that anyone, who places his trust on Christ as His Saviour is forgiven from all sins, that includes the ECC pastors and their wives, and whoever has trusted Christ as Saviour. That would also include Suzanne.

Can you give me the quote where I suggested anything different? I might have typed something wrong and then I want to correct it. Thank you so much!!!
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« Reply #49 on: July 17, 2018, 07:54:46 pm »

The question at hand is: Why would anyone who understood the Gospel selectively bring up forgiven sin of anyone?

Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift.
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« Reply #50 on: July 17, 2018, 08:10:30 pm »


From your very first post, and consistently since then, you have attempted to discredit Suzanne, simply because she has sin in her past.

This is why I suspect you are playing a part. You sound very much like you are closely connected to the Darlings, saying things like, "Do you know Mark Darling?" and "There is no proof" and then harping on the fact that Suzanne had some sin in her life. So what if Suzanne had  sin in her life, the point is that Mark Darling was being inappropriate with multiple women and the fact that he was a pastor makes it so much worse. Why the obsession with discrediting Suzanne? Why are you fixated on that? And saying that you would believe Mark's son more. You are making yourself look suspiciously like a Darling. I do think this is a charade and it's falling apart. Why did Mark Darling take advantage of vulnerable women? It's awful what he did, and awful that he is not willing to admit to his sin and get help for covering up his sin. And awful that so many people practically worship at his feet.

You seem to know everything there is to know about GCx and your mask is coming apart.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2018, 08:12:22 pm by GodisFaithful » Logged
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« Reply #51 on: July 17, 2018, 08:30:23 pm »

The question at hand is: Why would anyone who understood the Gospel selectively bring up forgiven sin of anyone?

Some of you are bringing up sins of Mark Darling that aren't established, because you heard the testimony of Suzanne. I'm trying to put it in prospective that the story doesn't add up to me, and that she herself clearly showed that she was in an impure relationship with her boyfriend. If you read my posts carefully, you will see that I don't judge for this. If she has trusted Christ as Saviour, she is forgiven of all these sins, clearly stated by her.

Mark Darling is forgiven for all of his sins. I'm just saying that I haven't seen evidence for the sins that are being consistently brought up here. I personally feel that some of you are selectively bringing up the sins of Mark Darling, which are instantiated. This is what I have said many times. And again Rom. 3:23 is correct and I believe It and teach It.

I'm just saying that I haven't seen substantiated proofs of this particular sin of Mark Darling.
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« Reply #52 on: July 17, 2018, 08:35:27 pm »


From your very first post, and consistently since then, you have attempted to discredit Suzanne, simply because she has sin in her past.

This is why I suspect you are playing a part. You sound very much like you are closely connected to the Darlings, saying things like, "Do you know Mark Darling?" and "There is no proof" and then harping on the fact that Suzanne had some sin in her life. So what if Suzanne had  sin in her life, the point is that Mark Darling was being inappropriate with multiple women and the fact that he was a pastor makes it so much worse. Why the obsession with discrediting Suzanne? Why are you fixated on that? And saying that you would believe Mark's son more. You are making yourself look suspiciously like a Darling. I do think this is a charade and it's falling apart. Why did Mark Darling take advantage of vulnerable women? It's awful what he did, and awful that he is not willing to admit to his sin and get help for covering up his sin. And awful that so many people practically worship at his feet.

You seem to know everything there is to know about GCx and your mask is coming apart.

I'm not closely connected with the Darlings. I haven't seen Mark in 20 years and before that in 15 years during the summer of 1980. That is it. I've only said that Suzanne's story doesn't add up.  That's all I'm saying. Please, don't read more into what I'm saying then that. Because there is nothing more.

Besides that I don't know everything there is to know about GCx. I don't understand their name changes for instance. Not that it is important to me why they changed their names several times. But I obviously don't know everything there is to know about GCx. I'm not connected with the church in Minneapolis directly. I've never even been to Minnesota.
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« Reply #53 on: July 17, 2018, 09:01:33 pm »

Right. Sure. Uh-huh.

I don't believe you.

Jeromy Darling didn't have any problem coming to this forum and lying.

I think you are a fake.

You don't care about following the rules of the forum, like posting according to what the thread is about. It's always all about how innocent Mark Darling is. I'm not buying it for a minute.
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« Reply #54 on: July 17, 2018, 09:26:55 pm »

Right. Sure. Uh-huh.

I don't believe you.

Jeromy Darling didn't have any problem coming to this forum and lying.

I think you are a fake.

You don't care about following the rules of the forum, like posting according to what the thread is about. It's always all about how innocent Mark Darling is. I'm not buying it for a minute.

You have no idea who I am....

But let's assume that you are right.... If Mark Darling indeed did this.... Then he committed adultery, or at least a form of it regularly. So, think about this.... Who would be most upset at Mark?Huh  His family!!!! They would not come on here and write several defenses with lots of details about this. You write about Jeremy coming on here and defending his father. He would be so hurt and upset, he would never spend his time on this.

Then if you read the Facebook pages of these folks, you'll see a very unified message. All of them say the same things. That Mark Darling didn't do this. And that it makes no sense that he would do this. They provide a lot of detail, why it would be impossible for him to do this. 

If this was true, and again there is lots of holes in the story of Suzanne, you would have the closest people to him condemn what he did in the strongest way... There would probably be a divorce.

Now the story of the family of Mark Darling adds up. Suzanne's story doesn't. So, I know who I believe.
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« Reply #55 on: July 17, 2018, 10:40:08 pm »

Quote from: PietWowo

Then if you read the Facebook pages of these folks, you'll see a very unified message. All of them say the same things. That Mark Darling didn't do this. And that it makes no sense that he would do this. They provide a lot of detail, why it would be impossible for him to do this. 

If this was true, and again there is lots of holes in the story of Suzanne, you would have the closest people to him condemn what he did in the strongest way... There would probably be a divorce.

Now the story of the family of Mark Darling adds up. Suzanne's story doesn't. So, I know who I believe.

Good. Now that you've settled that issue to your own satisfaction, maybe you can go away and leave this forum in peace.
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« Reply #56 on: July 17, 2018, 11:15:16 pm »

Quote from: PietWowo

Then if you read the Facebook pages of these folks, you'll see a very unified message. All of them say the same things. That Mark Darling didn't do this. And that it makes no sense that he would do this. They provide a lot of detail, why it would be impossible for him to do this. 

If this was true, and again there is lots of holes in the story of Suzanne, you would have the closest people to him condemn what he did in the strongest way... There would probably be a divorce.

Now the story of the family of Mark Darling adds up. Suzanne's story doesn't. So, I know who I believe.

Good. Now that you've settled that issue to your own satisfaction, maybe you can go away and leave this forum in peace.

Why don't you go? If you don't want to read what I write, just don't read it. It's your choice.
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« Reply #57 on: July 18, 2018, 05:25:45 am »


I am going to assume I am right, like you say. You are a fraud, a fake, you act more like Jeromy Darling with each post, you do not respect the rules of the forum, and you repeat the same mantra of the Darling family. If Mark Darling was innocent he would not need frauds and fakes like you to defend him.

The fact that Mark Darling took advantage of a 19 year old vulnerable girl is terrible. And he took advantage of other vulnerable young women. He took advantage of married women too. He is a sick man, and he thought he would get away with it.

You have tried to demean and discredit Suzanne on this forum and it is not going to work. Every time you do that, I am going to remind everyone reading on this forum of the awful stuff that Mark Darling did and he is unrepentant. As Mark Bowen stated, Mark Darling is in  denial. He can't believe his kingdom crumbled. He's toast. I wish he would come clean about his sin.
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« Reply #58 on: July 18, 2018, 08:59:18 am »


I am going to assume I am right, like you say. You are a fraud, a fake, you act more like Jeromy Darling with each post, you do not respect the rules of the forum, and you repeat the same mantra of the Darling family. If Mark Darling was innocent he would not need frauds and fakes like you to defend him.

The fact that Mark Darling took advantage of a 19 year old vulnerable girl is terrible. And he took advantage of other vulnerable young women. He took advantage of married women too. He is a sick man, and he thought he would get away with it.

You have tried to demean and discredit Suzanne on this forum and it is not going to work. Every time you do that, I am going to remind everyone reading on this forum of the awful stuff that Mark Darling did and he is unrepentant. As Mark Bowen stated, Mark Darling is in  denial. He can't believe his kingdom crumbled. He's toast. I wish he would come clean about his sin.

I am not Jeremy Darling. I don't even know him personally, unless he is more than 38 years old and I might have met him as a baby.

Again, if you start of with the premise that Suzanne's story is true, then everything you're saying makes sense. I'm not starting of with that premise. So, if you want to have any sort of "intelligent conversation." You would need to prove that first. Without that proof, it's just us talking over each other.

You do agree with me that Suzanne was in a sexual relationship as a 19 year old, while she was not married to this guy, whoever he might be.... Huh Right?

You do agree that the entire Darling family is in total support of their dad, that they call him the greatest dad in the world, right? You do agree that they are in support of their dad and husband, right?

You do agree that Mark Darling a number of years later was asked to perform the wedding of Suzanne, right?

If you don't agree with these three statements, which one of them do you not agree with and why?
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« Reply #59 on: July 18, 2018, 09:05:37 am »

You sound just like the Darling family, so I think you are a fake.

I think it is so awful that Mark Darling took advantage of a young beautiful 19 year old girl, as her pastor, and that he emotionally and sexually abused her and manipulated her for many years. And she was not the only one. Mark preyed on other young beautiful girls and he hid this from his family, the way many men hide their sexual sin.

He was found out by a thorough investigation done by his church.
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